• Challenge,  workshops

    July Workshops Starting Up…

    With a Sale Going On!! Very Unusual… There is an amazing list of writing and business workshops that are starting right now. And at the same time there is a half-price sale going on. We have almost never done that. All the subscriptions, challenges, workshops, lectures, pop-ups, and regular classes are on WMG Teachable. And to get anything you want at half price, simple hit purchase of the course you want and then on the next page put in the code: Products And hit apply and you will be able to get it at half price. We are doing this sale because of the new Indie Writer’s Product class that…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    June Workshops Starting Up!

    Regular Workshops Starting… Each regular workshop is 6 weeks long. Again, it will take you about three hours per week on your own pace to do each of these if you do the assignments. These are the starting dates of upcoming regular workshops on Teachable.com Note: Adding Tags to Your Fiction is a RESURRECTED CLASSIC WORKSHOPS. It will only be available as a regular workshop for this one month. Class #53… June 6th … Writing into the Dark Class #54… June 6th … Adding Tags to Your Fiction Class #55… June 6th … Teams in Fiction Class #56… June 7th … Depth in Writing Class #58… June 7th… Advanced Depth…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Tomorrow… Third Part

    TONIGHT… Getting Workshops Live… The day got swallowed by workshop stuff and a couple major naps and some writing so that I didn’t leave enough time to do the post on indie publishing, so I will finish that tomorrow. For now, those of you who got the special workshops from Case Card Kickstarter should have gotten a letter from me with all the links and codes. And all May workshops, including the collection classes, have started up. So with that, I have done my blog for the night and am going for a much longer nap. Might be called a night’s sleep. But got to finish a chapter first.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    May Workshops One More Time

    One More Reminder… Before I move on to other topics, I just have to remind everyone that the May workshops have all just started and time to get into them. Here is the post I put up a few days ago. —— There are some really great classes starting. Actually two Advanced Craft classes, four Collection classes, and seven Regular workshops. You can find them all on WMG Teachable. So here they are listed. ADVANCED CRAFT CLASSES… (Nine weeks long… Depth Workshop required for both. Dean gives feedback on eight assignments.) Floating Viewpoints… (Oh, my, maybe one of the toughest classes we have ever done.) Advanced Pacing… (My suggestion is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Writing in Public

    Last Hours Of Kickstarter

    Enjoying Writers of the Future Second full day here at Writers of the Future. Ended up doing a presentation today with Tim Powers and Jody Lyne Nye on the topic of Hollywood, which considering we are sitting in the middle of Hollywood sort of ironic. Had dinner with Rob Sawyer. Great time sitting in the bar talking with writers later. Fun day. Tomorrow is the big event, so if you want to see me and Larry Elmore help each other across a stage to present awards in Tux’s, tune into the he live stream on writers of the future.com Also still got a Kickstarter going for a few more hours.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    One Day Left On Kickstarter

    WRITER’S OF THE FUTURE First full day here at Writers of the Future. My talk with the writers was standard blunt. Just me., Still can barely see the letters on the small screen of this iPad. So going to be short again. Also still got a Kickstarter going… So here is the information… CASE CARD New Book! Plus ACTION: A Cold Poker Gang Collection Both available in the new Kickstarter Campaign. Only one day left. Ends Friday evening at 7 pm. I really want to again remind you of the two fantastic Special Workshops as well, only available through this Kickstarter. MURDER MOST COLD Special Workshop MURDER MOST MODERN Special Workshop…

  • Challenge

    Sale Extended Until Wednesday Night…

    Numbers of Reasons We Extended the Sale a Few More Days!! First is we wanted everyone who wanted to get into the Dean challenges a chance. They will close on Wednesday for sign-ups. Second, the April Regular workshops will all be started and we wanted to give everyone a chance to get them on the sale. We talked about starting some new workshops, but will hold off until May and also start new ones in June, July, and August. So this sale is a great time to get the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. Not only is it jammed packed with classes, but new ones coming through the summer. The April regular…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Some Suggestions…

    Sale Still Going On… I thought I would give a few suggestions as to classes and workshops I think might be a good idea to think about grabbing at half price. Earlier I recorded the first weeks of the second quarter of both the Decade Ahead and Bite-Sized Copyright. The first quarter is done for both, starting on Monday into the second quarter. The first quarter would be easy to catch up on and then just go forward with the four videos every Monday morning through the rest of the year. No assignments, just knowledge and help. You can still get the full year (all four quarters) at half price.…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Quick Update

    Code Extended… Seems until I reminded people on my blog last night, they did not know about the blog workshop 50% sale. So I have extended to code to be good through late Sunday night instead of tonight. Popular request. Monday or Tuesday’s blog at the bottom gives you the information and the code. For all things on Teachable, not just the fantastic March workshops starting up.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Wow! A Lot of March Classes Starting

    I Said 12 Classes Starting… But forgot a few of the special workshops from the Kickstarters. The two fantasy start Tuesday for their second session and the science fiction ones start in a week (I will contact you this coming week). And I also did not count the Study Along which is keeping me crazy busy reading as best I can. I am still very slow at that. And fun to see how many people read to the bottom of yesterday’s blog. Just a little Easter Egg, I guess some people call it. Anyway, again here are the workshops that are starting that are available to everyone… These are all…