• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops


    Ends at 7PM West Coast Time… There are two very special workshops only available in this campaign. How to Write Series Endings and also How to Write Cross-Genre Series. And the stories you write for both I will look at, if you want me to, for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. These workshops will have sessions in February and are three weeks long. The tag line on this campaign is… 2 WRITERS, 36 SERIES, 100 STORIES Kris and I know how to write and teach series, so don’t miss these. Ends at 7PM tonight The Series Collide Kickstarter. It also has stretch goals that allows backers to submit stories to Pulphouse Magazine…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Slight Bump In Challenge

    As Expected… Which is why I talked about how I can do two and three and even once four full short stories in one day. I expect to get behind. And my focus is to hit 31 stories in January to start with. My bet is the reason I am behind a story or so is the same reason many of you are behind. Major election which flipped the Senate… Up most of the night watching that. Got up today, did some shopping as planned and had riots in Washington by the time I got home Since that is history and stunning beyond words, had to watch that, and then…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Publish 100 Cat Stories

    Way Back Before Covid, We Did a Kickstarter… January. Seems like a billion years ago, doesn’t it? The idea was part of the Make 100 promotion by Kickstarter, so we decided to publish 100 cat stories in twelve volumes called THE YEAR OF THE CAT. We planned on starting publishing in May and we did. And do one book per month, and we have. Even with Covid and fires and who knows what else coming this year. So this month #5 just came out, right on time. #6 is turned in and Kris and I are working on #7. All fun. Part of that Cat Kickstarter campaign was a workshop…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    New Fantastic Stretch Goal

    We Do A Zip Line ($25,000) In celebration of reaching this level, Dean will strap a camera on his head and go down the zip line on Fremont Street in Las Vegas and post the film on the web site. But even better, we will add two very special books and a very special writer’s award. Hugo Award Winning editor Kristine Kathryn Rusch will put together a very special Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and we will give every supporter of this kickstarter an electronic copy. And editor Dean Wesley Smith will, at the same time, put together a very special Best of the Original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine…