Novel Three: Day Eight
Not Done Yet… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made about 7,000 steps. Just no time again today. Plus once again the wind was howling here today at over 25 mph. Not comfortable. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 1 p.m. even though I was up until 7 a.m. in the morning again. Two days in a row with too little sleep. I headed out at around 2 p.m. for Newport to go see a long-time friend visiting the coast.…
Novel Three: Day Seven
GETTING CLOSER… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made about 6,000 steps again today. Just no time again today. Plus the wind was howling here today at over 25 mph. Not comfortable. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 1 p.m. even though I was up until 7 a.m. in the morning again. I wrote the forward for a Fiction River volume after I did my blog last night. So tired today. First day of the challenge I didn’t get a…
Novel Three: Day Six
Close Calls Twice… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made 6,000 steps. Just no time again today. Seems like I am maintaining the exercise on some days, at least over 10,000 steps. Only had a few days under ten thousand all month, but not getting the totals I wanted. And the first close call was last night. As I was doing last night’s blog, my entire server crashed. Now I didn’t know that at the time, but when my site didn’t come…
Novel Three: Day Five
Another Solid Day… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made 10,000 steps, but writing is back going fine. The Day Went Like This… Just like yesterday, I managed to get to WMG offices and the north store around 3:30 p.m. after a full hour of e-mail stuff. I stopped at the mail and we finally got in all of the Fiction River papers. So Josh and I unloaded my car and I headed out to do banking and get to the south…
Novel Three: Day Four
Back Up To Speed… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Finally got back up and running today. Both on work stuff and on the novel. The Day Went Like This… I managed to get to WMG offices and the north store around 3:30 p.m. after a full hour of e-mail stuff. Then the guys unloaded my car of the stuff I found yesterday picking and Matt and I headed out for a walk. I managed 11,200 steps today. The 13,000 steps isn’t a…
Novel Three: Day Three
A Day Away… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) I planned a day away to get my mind focused in other directions and that is what happened. The Day Went Like This… Kris and I got out of town by about 3 p.m. after I did an hour of e-mails. We headed into the valley for a relaxing day. She did some reading, I did some picking, we had a great dinner, and then off to see Spider-Man. Then pie and home. I…
Fantastic New Bundle of Bundles
SF&F BINGE READERS BUNDLE… Storybundle.com has done something special. It has put together a group of bundles in a bundle. And kept the price at normal levels. Since I am writing a Thunder Mountain novel right now, it is great luck that in this bundle is a bundle of my first three Thunder Mountain novels. You want to know the world I am writing in now, grab this. And you’ll also get some other amazing books. Including a bundle of three different Fiction River fantasy volumes. If you haven’t sampled the amazing work and writers in Fiction River, this would be a good place to do it. That alone is…
Novel Three: Day Two
A Tough Second Day… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) A really tough second day of writing, which I didn’t think it would be, honestly. Great day otherwise. I’ll explain below. The Day Went Like This… I made it to the WMG offices just at 3:30 p.m. after doing an hour of e-mail and banking. Did thirty minutes there working with Matt and Josh to cut off spines off of four massive bound newspapers from the 1920s. Matt understands band saws and was…
Novel Three: Day One
Decided On Thunder Mountain Novel for #3… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Wow, is this place silent. Clearly this challenge is driving people into a stupor, but I’m going on posting here anyway and having fun with the writing. And even more interesting is that the Fantasy Series Branding Workshop with Allyson Longueira didn’t fill up yet. Learn to brand fantasy series and get a template from one of the best designers working and not even 12 people want to sign up?…
Novel Two: Day Nine: Finished
Second Novel Finished… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) The Day Went Like This… I made it to the WMG offices just at 2 p.m. for the regular Sunday writers meeting. Lots of fun and good discussions. Then at 4 p.m. Kris and I went out for a walk and I got back into my office at WMG around 5:30 p.m. I worked there for two hours before heading home to take a nap and cook dinner. Then into this office to do…