I Wasn’t Rich
But I Made Learning The Most Important Thing… I got a comment from a person in a letter after my post about going and learning from long-time professionals. It was a passing comment this person and not made in any way bad. But it sent me laughing. The comment was basically “Good thing you had money.” The reference was to my early days in writing and me having money in those days was so far from the truth as to be on another planet. I had no money. None. Let me give you a few stories. I went to my first convention in 1982 and shared a ride with three…
SF Plot Twist Bundle Almost Done!!
SF Plot Twist Bundle… Two Days Left…. My sf novel, Laying the Music to Rest, is in a nifty bundle with some amazing writers. Don’t delay grabbing this one. Some amazing stuff in this bundle and I am honored to be a part of it. But now it is almost over. Trust me, folks, if you are not familiar with Annie Reed, Robert Jeschonek, Blaze Ward, Ron Collins, Stefon Mears, and Eric Kent Edstrom, this is your chance. I don’t often recommend other writers, as most of you know, but I recommend all six of these incredible talents and buy their stories regularly for Pulphouse as well. And you get…
Forcing the Help
Writers’ Communities… I keep hearing over and over about how other writers force writers to do something like get a book doctor or rewrite or whatever. This advice (99.9% of the time) is coming from beginning or unpublished writers. But these writers feel forced, like there is a gun to their head because it is their “community.” For some reason I mostly escaped this silliness when I was coming in. My mantra was always to learn only from those who were farther down the road than I was by a long ways. I wanted to learn from those writers making a living, having long careers, and so on. I sought…
Being Clear On Rewriting and Other Stuff
Got Some Interesting Questions This Week… So I figured for fun here on this fine evening I would just lay out in very quick points exactly what I believe about writing and how I write. Clear up some confusion (or make more, we shall see. (grin)) 1… I do not rewrite. I cycle back and forward through the manuscript as I write, thus ending up with a clean first (and final) draft. 2… I do not use ideas and haven’t for decades. I use triggers to get me typing with a character and I just entertain myself from there. (You guys have all followed that here through some of my…
The Rewriting Myth
Got a Letter Today… A very real private letter from a very, very frustrated person who had just seen the Sacred Cow posts I did all those years ago. (Some are dated but they are all still here.) The writer was thanking me for talking sanity. The letter was heartbreaking, described how it had taken a year-and-a-half to write the novel and two-and-a-half more years rewriting and the writer still wasn’t happy with it, but wanted to move on. The writer was clearly having a long-held dream crushed by the myths that range from writing slow and sloppy to rewriting and needing editors and agents and so on. Once again,…
Depth Done Right
An Example of What I Try to Teach… I’ve been reading the new Dean Koontz thriller series that started with The Silent Corner. His character, Jane Hawk is great. Now I study Dean Koontz a great deal because his writing is often invisible, his characters built to be real people, his plots usually twisted. And he is a master at all kinds of techniques, from floating viewpoints to pacing that won’t let you go. So on looking back through the second book of the series, The Whispering Room, I happened to notice how well Koontz sat the scene with depth every chapter in one way or another. Now we have a…
Master Business Class Information
Still Have Openings… The workshop is October 19th through the 23rd in Las Vegas. A firehose of information at the top levels of indie publishing business. Folks, you don’t want to miss this one. Write me at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com to get more information and instructions on how to sign up and pay for the workshop. The workshop is being held at the Golden Nugget in downtown Las Vegas in a beautiful and modern convention center. There is a block of room you want to be in because it will be cheaper and also for ease and other reasons. I will send you a code to get into the workshop room block…
Plot Twists
Maybe This Should Be A Workshop… Plot twists, when done right, are wonderful for readers, and can get your book talked about and help you sell more copies. When done wrong, plot twists make a reader toss a book against a wall and never read another thing by that author. So what makes a good plot twist? As I said, I think there is more than enough to make this into a full four week workshop with webinars. But for kicks here, since plot twists are on my mind, let me try to hit a few high points of good plot twists that spring to mind. — The twist must…
The SF Plot Twist Bundle and Nifty Picture and Challenge
Tonight I Had Dinner With Some Writers… Here I go, headed into year seven with this blog. Tonight, Chris York, Steve York, Dan Duval, and I went out to dinner as I got ready to head out of town and Chris York wore a tee-shirt from 23 years ago. You see, Kris and I needed a ton of help 23 years ago to move to the coast. So our friends who helped got special tee-shirts that said, “What is worse than getting rejected by two magazines? Moving Them!” I was editing the first incarnation of Pulphouse and Kris was the editor of F&SF 23 years ago. How Chris York found…
Just About Clear
That’s Why All The Announcements Lately… I am about to get back to writing shortly, since this four months of move is almost over. And Kris and I wanted to make sure everything we had been talking about starting was announced. So we announced the Master Business Class in October in Las Vegas. As of this moment there are six spots still open. www.wmgworkshops.com and click on the Master Business Class for more information and the fantastic list of instructors. And we announced the nifty new Study Along workshops and got them all up on Teachable.com. Those allow you to study along with the craft workshops in Las Vegas while staying…