• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    I Did Another Podcast

    A Second One When I Was At Writers of the Future... John Goodwin, the President of Galaxy Press did the interview. It was great fun. This one was about old pulp writers, rewriting, and clean first drafts, among other things. I think this is about 15 minutes, so worth the time to listen to me and John talk about the old writers. And I got a detail wrong in my old mind. Lester Dent was a real name who wrote 159 Doc Savage novels under the name Kenneth Robeson. Lester Dent was not a pen name. Max Brand was a pen name of Frederick Faust. Names, I am not allowed…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    How To Approach a Licensee?

    Tough Question… And honestly, I don’t know the answer to that exactly because it will be different for every license you give. And different for every project you have. And different for every licensee. Some approach you, others you approach through meetings. So no right answer. For example, you might have a really nifty young adult series with teddy bears, so you would research and set up meetings with teddy bear companies. But you wouldn’t do that with your tech-filled sf series. (Unless it was a very strange series.) Robert Jeschonek wrote an amazing story about sentient underwear that was first published in Fiction River and then I bought it…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    June Workshops

    All Started… And still time to not only jump into any of them, but jump into the Learn Along Licensing workshop as well. All of that is on Teachable. Today I put up five new videos on the Licensing Learn Along and I hope everyone taking Licensing has gone through the free classic workshop The Magic Bakery that comes along with it. You will miss lots of stuff if you don’t. So next week I will put up the July regular workshops and take down the June ones. So still time for the workshops below, but not much. Class #51… June 4th … Endings Class #52… June 4th … Point of View…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Expo Finished…

    I Put Up Four More Videos and a Bunch of Pictures… On the Licensing Learn Along on Teachable. I will do three or four more days of videos and stuff over this weekend in the Expo section, even though the Expo is over. Then I will go to the third section will have stuff for a month or so on the results, the long-term learning, and a ton more details. Really worth jumping into that if you haven’t already, if not for anything but to do the Classic Magic Bakery basics workshop that I give away in that. But the conference was just amazing. Mind altering, of that there was…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    More Learning Than My Poor Brain Can Handle

    Day Two of the Licensing Expo… I managed tonight four more videos, long ones, up on the Learn Along Licensing on Teachable. Plus a couple of other things. This Expo, as Kris and I had thought it might be, is a major business changer for us. Kris had warned me since she went there for a few hours last year that this would be major, and she was right. One thing is clear. Publishing is a tiny and really sad little part of licensing at the moment. And really screwed up. Especially traditional publishers. As Kris said at one point, agents are agents. But at least in this world they…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Time Travel and June Workshops Starting

    Time Travel Regular Workshop Available… You can sign up for any of the June workshops on Teachable. And the first half of them have started. If you bought a workshop credit in the Diving Universe Kickstarter and want to jump into a June workshop, just write me. Otherwise, everyone will be contacted early next week as soon as Kickstarter gives us the go-ahead. But if you want to start a June workshop with one of those credits, just write me directly. Here is the list of the June workshops. Class #51… June 4th … Endings Class #52… June 4th … Point of View Class #53… June 4th … Time Travel Class #54… June…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Relaxing Before the Expo

    Expo Starts on Tuesday… So Kris and I planned to spend the day working, then heading out to a concert tonight to have some fun. My day wasn’t spent working, but trying to solve a massive email meltdown. Got it solved and after the Expo will make some changes to make sure that doesn’t happen again. (grin) So tonight we headed off to see Lady Gaga, her jazz performance. Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe it. I hear her regular act is special, but this was her jazz show. Wow, just wow. I think she ended up with seven or eight standing ovations through the show. It was that good.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    More Videos and Photos

    Going to Be Lots of Photos… Not only for those of you in the Licensing Learn Along, but for me to help keep track of things at the Licensing Expo. Pictures, lots and lots of careful notes, and god only knows what else. Kris and I headed out to Mandalay Bay today to get our badges early and also to have me take a  look at the size and scale of what we were dealing with on a physical level. Everything is well under construction and the place is even larger than I had imagined. I’m going to get my walking in, that’s for sure. Just round trip to the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    How Is The Writing Going?

    Considering Everything… Not Bad… The Kickstarter just ended, we are preparing and spending a ton of time on getting ready for the Licensing Expo, the Future’s Patience workshop is ending and the Time Travel workshop is starting. And I have increased my steps to walking over 12,000 steps a day and losing weight slowly and spent a little time in the gym running five of the last seven days. (Down 7 pounds in six weeks.) And I have been working on a new web site and learning InDesign to do covers and ramping all that up. So how is the writing going with all that? Actually, fine. And picking up…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    About Twelve Hours Left

    The Diving Universe Kickstarter is just about over… It hit all of its stretch goals, which means that anyone who supports it for any reward will get all kinds of great reading from Kris, plus all kinds of lectures and workshops from WMG Publishing. This one is a stunner. So don’t miss out on this great Kickstarter campaign. Only a few hours left!! Ends Thursday evening. Diving Universe Kickstarter. NEW VIDEO ON LICENSING… Plus six images of the four flyers we just got back from the printer. I just put them all on the Licensing Learn Along on Teachable. I will post even more videos in the next few days,…