• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two Mentorships Open

    First Open Since 2022 Back in 2019, I opened up what we called a mentorship where I answered questions on anything that person wanted in writing and business of publishing. I took seven mentees total in 2019 and early 2020. How it sets up is that I asked the person to report in to me every Sunday (or Monday or at least once every two weeks) about what they were doing, progress or no progress. Writing or publishing done or not done. And plans for the coming week. I was sort of a check-point each week. If there were questions, I tried to answer them, or look at a cover,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Mentorship Open For One

    I Said I Was Closing This… But I had one of the writers who just started a few months ago have a life roll (besides the silliness going on in the world where we get to stay home and write.) The writer asked if I would put her on hiatus for a year and I said sure, no problem. So that opens one spot I didn’t expect, and I also closed the mentorships with one spot still remaining open. But I am still only taking one this time and then shutting it off for the last time. So if you are interested in having me be your cheerleader, read your…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Mentor Program Update

    Almost the First of April… Which means the first quarter of the year has gone by and I had a number of people (who are not in the mentorship program I offered this year) ask how that mentorship program is going. The answer is simply, from my side, wonderfully. In fact, I am enjoying it a great deal. Here is how I look at it. In essence, I am here for the writer. Any time for anything to help the writer move forward. I let each writer set the pace and I do my best to be supportive, but not pressure. As it first started, I was back and forth…