• Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Aces Game Two of the Finals…

    A Superteam in Action… The Liberty are a great team, zero doubt, but the Aces are one of those once-in-a-generation teams and wow are they fun to watch in THE HOUSE. That’s what they call their stadium and it was packed, full sell-out, and more screaming and shouting and cheering than I have ever heard. Game started at 6 pm and at one point in the first quarter the Aces were up by 30 points. First quarter… That was fantastic fun with the crowd. Maybe the best quarter of basketball I have ever watched in my lifetime. Liberty made a show of a run in the second quarter and then…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Aces Game Tonight…

    Way Too Much Fun… Even with the Aces being tired and sloppy after a long road trip, they still pulled out a win. That was win #31, the most ever in any season by a WMBA team. We got playoff tickets today as well. That should be great fun. Here are some pictures from the game. Kris will have more tomorrow on her Facebook page, as normal.