Challenge,  On Writing

Story #20

Have Not Missed a Day So Far…

Today turned out to be novel day in my story challenge. I have been going through the stories and spell-checking them so Kris could read them. (She has read three in the last three days so far. I’m giving her one a day.)

So trying to stay ahead of Kris reding, I pulled up Story #9 to spell check and remembered it was a novel start, I had written a ways into it and could not wrap it down into a short story. So I figured why not try to figure out a wrap now?

1,000 more words on the start and nope, no short story in sight. So I pulled it out and put it in a novel file to write next year after I am done with this challenge. I count it as a story written, but it just won’t be in a collection or sold stand-alone.

So did a bunch of workshop stuff, including a webinar for the Kris and Dean show, then off to the store for shopping, cooking dinner, assignments, a nap and more workshop recording. Monday and Tuesdays are busy days that way. So didn’t get to my writing computer until 12:30 and damn if my creative voice, after working on that novel start earlier, served me up another novel start.

But I got the upper hand on this one and should be able to finish a wrap on it around 3,000 words.  Also, it starts a second character series inside of my Thunder Mountain series. I already started a detectives through time series, and this one is treasure hunters. Both in the Thunder Mountain series.

So the summary so far is 20 stories in 20 days, but one is a full novel start. I have not yet written a stand alone story outside of one of my series, but I have created and written three short stories in a brand new series in the Poker Boy universe. Not bad for the first 20 days of the year.

Story #20…”To Serve the Treasure.”

Onward I go. Having fun.


Yes, we are doing it, and Back to the Future has a lot more on pacing and information flow than Die Hard. A ton more.

It is available on WMG Teachable for $50 until it launches on Feb 13th. Then the price goes to $75. Three plus hours of Kris and I taking that movie apart to teach you writing techniques. Should be fun.


  • Glyn

    Hi Dean,

    Just ordered a boxed set of the Back to the Future dvd’s.

    I shall enjoy doing this when they arrive.

    What’s next, I wonder. I have always loved Where Eagles Dare.

    A by the numbers film written by Alistair Maclean. Love it.


  • allynh


    I mentioned the other day when you had the novel start. Please include the novel start in the collection for completeness/context.

    – You don’t need to post it anywhere else.

    It would be nice to see what you consider to be a novel start in comparison with the short stories. Especially when Kris asked “Where was the rest of the novel”, on the first short story. HA!

    “She read the first one and liked it and asked for the novel.”

    We can compare the first short story with the novel start of number 9, and see what you guys are talking about.


    • dwsmith

      Nope, that’s a work in progress and I never show, or should you, any work in progress. Sorry… If I did that it would destroy my creative voice and I certainly don’t need feedback on the story. So nope, never happening.

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