• Challenge,  On Writing

    Writers of the Future Volume #35

    Book Will Be Out April 9th or So Winners will be announced as normal in a ceremony in Hollywood. And this year I will be there as a presenter, I suppose. First time in a long time. Take a look at the cover below. See my name on the cover? That’s because I have a story in it, written for that wonderful cover by Bob Eggleton. Yes, I got asked, and I was so happy to do the story. And since Bob’s cover was such fun, I decided to have fun with the story as well. In fact, the story will be the first published story of one of my…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    2020 Anthology Workshop Moved Up One Week

    For A Good Reason… Everyone who is signed up for 2020 Anthology Workshop should have gotten a letter from me about this. If you think you are signed up and didn’t get a letter, or want to sign up (filling quickly), write me at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com The point is that I wanted to let everyone know that the dates for the 2020 Anthology workshop have been moved one week sooner, to February 21st through the 26th. Everything else is the same and we will start writing in November like normal. The reason for the change was the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino contacting us and giving us an option to change…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Emotion Workshop…A Sample

    Lifetime Subscriptions… You should already know that the Emotions workshop is in their subscription. Anyone with a lifetime subscription to workshops can take a new workshop when it starts up or wait and take it any time down the road. And you don’t have to tell me you want to be in it. Lifetime subscribers are automatically in. One subscriber asked if it was better for me to have them take it first time out or wait until later. For me, it makes no difference. But for the subscriber, it might be better to wait and get out of the crowd. (grin… not that many people taking it the first…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    April Online Workshops Available

    And That Includes the New Emotions in Writing… These online workshops are available in April. Dign up directly at Teachable.com Class #31… Apr 2nd … Endings Class #32… Apr 2nd … Point of View Class #33… Apr 2nd … Writing Mysteries Class #34… Apr 2nd … Speed Class #35… Apr 2nd … Teams in Fiction Class #36… Apr 3rd … Depth in Writing Class #37… Apr 3rd … How to Use Tags Class #38… Apr 3rd … Character Development Class #39… Apr 3rd… Information Flow Class #40… Apr 3rd … Emotion in Writing Here is a blurb for the Emotions in Writing workshop. It will be offered in April, May, June, and then every-other-month after that. ——–…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Want To Listen To Me Talk?

    I Was Interviewed… By the folks at the Alliance of Independent Authors at the London Book Fair had me talk about writing into the dark and other stuff. They cut out the interviewer, so it seems like I just go on and on, which I tend to do at times. (grin) Take a look. Might be worth a few details for the time spent listening. And I forgot to mention, this is a video interview. https://selfpublishingadviceconference.com/how-to-write-a-novel/ or this link might get you there as well. https://wp.me/p9MsJE-Oi  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Power of a Streak…2,417

    That’s How Many Days I Have Written Something… Without Missing!! How silly is that? Power outages, sickness, travel, you name it, I have lived it since August 1st 2012 when I started this writing here. My friend Bill died in August of 2011, so to get back writing a year later after dealing with his estate, I started writing posts here about what I was going to do. And the power of the streak just kept me going. Often the posts were nothing more than “I’m alive, here is a workshop.” Other times I have written chapters of books here. And will do that again coming up. When I count…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Eight Days In

    Going Fine… Afraid to say too much here early on because of the three misses last fall. But so far this new writing schedule is working as I had planned and hoped. I made it to the restaurant 5 of the last 8 days, and wrote every day some. Worst day was only 600 words, best days over 3,000. But my focus is now back on writing every day and that feels wonderful. After eight days, the novel is at just over 15,000 words, so not averaging 2,000 words a day as I wanted, but close and I’ll take it in start-up with new schedule. I have written some almost…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Cover For A Book…

    And This Cover Has A History… When I get started writing a book, after I get going, I tell Allyson what it will be, the title, and she does me a cover way before I am done. I love having the image to see the book as I write. And sometimes my creative voice puts the cover image into a scene as well. That is always fun. Doesn’t always happen, but fun when it does. So I had started a Cold Poker Gang novel called Side Pot and Allyson did a cover for it with this great art. I loved it, got stalled on the book and moved on. (You…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Bunch of Stuff Again…

    Call This A Rapid-Fire Round-Up… — The Emotions Workshop will be added into April Regular Workshop list. I will have the list available for sign-ups by Saturday. Don’t try to sign up yet. — All the Stretch Goal letters have been sent out for the Make 100 Paperbacks Kickstarter and I also did a Kickstarter update to just the backers with the same letter for the stretch goals to make sure no one got missed. — I have my new computer, new Adobe Suite, and will be starting on actual books in the Make 100 this weekend (assuming I don’t blow a brain fuse learning a new version of inDesign.)…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Old Dog New Tricks

    That Is What I Called This… I’m the “old dog.” I am moving from writing late at night for the first 40 years of my fiction writing career to now writing in the morning (with some sessions later in the day or evening) for the next forty years. My goal now is to walk out of the condo every morning, go to a buffet about a mile away (to get steps), and write at least a thousand words before leaving. I started a Cold Poker Gang novel with new characters and I have been managing (except for one morning) to get out and set the routine. Yesterday I got out,…