Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Your Likes Have Nothing To Do With It

I Know, Hard to Believe…

I have talked about apps a few times here, got some great comments and ideas. And numbers of writers are already on the chase in different ways. Thanks for those comments!

And I talk all the time about electronic publishing and how readers are reading. And how so much of the world is reading on their phones now. Clearly a trend of the future that I don’t see changing.

But if I only published in ways that I personally read or like, I would never publish electronically, only paper. And I would never think of gift cards or apps.

Why? I don’t read electronically and I don’t use apps. I read for pleasure only on paper. And the workshop reading I am doing now Kris has printed up all the manuscripts.

I got accused of being a techie. (Stop laughing, friends.) I am so far from that as to be actually funny.

I use my phone for a phone.

Sure, some apps came with it like an alarm app I use, and I actually went and got a Fitbit app because I flat had no choice. But I carry it because it is a phone. Period.

And read a book on it? Shudder.

But just because I don’t use something or do something in my personal habits does not mean I can’t study how it could work, see the trends, try to work with different ways, and move forward to sell more of my stories and make more money with my stories to those who would read my stories on their phone.

But in the discussion about the app and in numbers of emails about it and the book cards, I got many writers putting their own preferences on the discussion instead of standing back and saying, “Hey, this might be a future path.”

My personal preference makes no difference, and neither should yours when you are looking a publishing idea in this new world.

A point of interest. One of the fastest growing publishing companies in India only distributes their books through their app. Certainly not my way of personally reading, but as a writer and indie publisher, that is just flat fascinating. Got a hunch it is only the first of many companies to come doing that.

Open mind, folks. Open mind. You might be surprised what sneaks in around your own prejudices  and preferences when you are distracted. (grin)


  • Harvey Stanbrough

    Great point. Reminded me of a story.

    At a seminar I was teaching a few years ago, one attendee, a woman, owned a flooring store with her husband. In the middle of the presentation, she stood up, resolutely crossed her arms, and said, “I will NEVER publish an ebook.”

    When I asked why, she said, “Because I HATE ebooks.”

    Before I could stop myself, I grinned and said, “It’s a good thing you don’t hate carpeting, huh? How far would sales drop in your store if you stopped selling carpeting?” (grin)

  • Sean McLachlan

    Unrelated to this post, but I wanted to share. I was planning my ghostwriting schedule for this quarter and ended up saying no to a series one client wanted me to do. Much as it pained me to refuse ready money, it was a series I wasn’t enthusiastic about, and I remembered how you said that the quickest way to burnout for a writer is to write books they’re not interested in.
    So thanks for that.
    And I just signed a contract to ghostwrite a series I am interested in, and it pays more. So it all worked out in the end!

  • Vera Soroka

    I agree. You should publish in all formats and go as wide as possible. Not all countries have access to digital yet but will and places like India are using digital first and other countries prefer audio first so most important to offer your readers their preference and wide as Joanna keeps saying, when 5g comes in, it will make a big difference. I read on my phone all the time but my iPhone is the small one. My next one is going to be the bigger one and then wow, I will make that my main reading device.

  • Bea

    Good points all around. As an interesting sidetone, I personally prefer the opposite with regard to reading for pleasure. I read short stories and novels on my Kindle, but I prefer hard copy for non-fiction. Why? I have no idea, but that’s how it works for me. I therefore agree that what I like as an individual should never be the yardstick by which I measure what others prefer.

    • Lacy Rey

      Personally I like non-fiction in a physical format too because I flip through the books more. Going back and forth in a book is way easier in paper than in digital.

  • Dee Garretson

    I can’t believe people still don’t realize how those of us with vision problems or mobility issues depend on being able to read electronic books. I love being able to adjust the text size, and when I was somewhat homebound for a year, I hated depending on anyone else to go to a bookstore or library for me. People disoaraging ebooks just because they don’t personally like them is really a selfish attitude.