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Nifty Bundle Kevin Anderson Put Together

I Actually Have Two Books In It…

The bundle is through StoryBundle. I have my novel LAKE ROOSEVELT: A Thunder Mountain Novel in it. The novel stands alone and is a fine place to get into the Thunder Mountain series.

And I also edited SNOT-NOSED ALIENS anthology of Pulphouse Stories that is in the bundle. You want some really fun and crazy stories to get you through this time of being locked in, grab this bundle and read this collection first. Trust me, they will make you smile and shake your head.

And on top of that, I wrote the cover story around Bob Eggleton’s wonderful cover for WRITERS OF THE FUTURE #35. That’s right, I have a story in that volume 35 years after I had a story in the very first volume of Writers of the Future. And I am proud of both stories.

So grab this bundle, folks. Kris has a Retrieval Artist novel in it as well. Can’t go wrong there either.