Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

My Eyes Are Better

And I Am Catching Up…

And writing again, solidly. But my eyes still only give me so much computer time in a day and I spend a lot of it on writing fiction now.

So that means I am behind on some things, such as the free workshops on Kickstarters. But I am catching up.

Allyson, Gwyneth, Josh, and the rest of WMG Publishing never miss a deadline, If they say a book will be shipping in February, it was shipped in February.

They are fulfilling the final hardbacks from the Fantasies Collide and Diving Kickstarters. And all book stretch goal rewards and other rewards have been sent out from the last thirty or more kickstarters by them.

We are not behind on anything that anyone paid for (except the game is still lost from the pandemic.)

So who is behind?  Me. Going blind will do that to a person, which is why there has not been a Smith’s Monthly or PULPHOUSE issue since November.

So on the Kickstarters, here is what I am behind on. I have exactly 12 stories left to read from last fall and one special kickstarter workshop. Maybe a week on those.

Kris is reading the Special Workshop stories from the last couple of Kickstarters that she offered to do for me because of my eyes and I will be doing all the ones that started last week. Kris will still take another month or so on that. Give her time.

Everything from the last Kickstarter is out and that has been put to bed completely. If you did not get something from the Starter Kit campaign, check your spam filter and if not there write me or Josh. (I will just send you to Josh.)

I am behind on getting recorded the free Pop-Up classes for the Fantasies Collide and Diving Kickstarters but hope to have all that done and out by the end of April. A lot of hours of recording but not too hard on my eyes.

No need to ask me about them. Just watch this space. I will shout when I have them recorded and Josh is sending them out.

The free classes and free anthologies from Pulphouse last summer have been scheduled all along to come out in May and June, so those are not behind. (We are improving Pulphouse, so stay tuned for that when it comes back in June. It will look the same, just some really fun news.)

So now, tomorrow at noon we launch a Kickstarter for my new Cold Poker Gang novel CASE CARD and also my new Cold Poker Gang Collection ACTION.

And the two special three-week workshops are really cool. They are titled:



Remember, you can only get them through the Kickstarter. They will never be for sale on Teachable.

I will shout here when we go live tomorrow.

For now, the promotions page is CASE CARD: A Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter


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