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Last Days of a Great Storybundle!!

I Have a New Collection In This Bundle

Just over one day left to get this bundle. This collection premiered in this nifty Space Opera Storybundle curated by Robert Jeschonek.

A Billion Earths: A Seeders Universe Collection of five major stories in my Seeders Universe.

And the Storybundle it is in is flat out amazing.  You don’t want to miss those books if you are a fan of space opera. You also get the book that started Kris’s incredible Retrieval Artist series. So don’t miss this. Just a day to go and the bundle will be gone.

My collection is not published out wide yet, and won’t be for another couple of weeks. But it is still available in this Space Opera Storybundle as an exclusive to the bundle, so you can still get it along with some other really nifty books.

So don’t miss this Storybundle, folks. And get my new collection. If you haven’t read any of my Seeders novels, you might be in for a surprise. Trust me, the title is not an exaggeration.