Challenge,  workshops

Killing the Two Workshops… The Why…

We Have A Way of Telling Interest…

And figuring out the amount of actual commit-time interest in a topic. Here is what we look for. Realize we need at least 8 or 10 doing assignments the first time through for us to do the response videos. And we feel those are important.

So here is what we look for to judge interest and number of people who will take the class first time through…

First of all, did anyone actually buy the class? (These two no one. Not one.)

Second, did someone use credits. (I didn’t see anyone, but one did I discovered this morning. Only one on one class. This is normally four or five per class to start.)

Third, how many lifetime subscribers asked for a code even though they didn’t need one. (Usually about two or three per class… this time none.)

Fourth… How many comments here and other places about looking forward to taking the class starting in two days? (Not a one.)

Fifth… Time of the year… September is a horrid time to start a class. You would think we would have learned that by now.

So by yesterday it became pretty clear these two classes were toast for the moment. I still think they are good ones and we might try to bring them back one-at-a-time later on. But for now, nope.

And it is not as if there aren’t enough classes to keep a person learning. (grin)



  • Brian Thomas Woods

    I would recommend polling the lifetime subscribers. I think we all try to avoid overloading your inbox. Since we all know the first time out, we aren’t supposed to ask for the code.

    Anyway, those courses sounded cool.
    All your courses are meaningful to those of us trying to figure out this writing craft thing. 🙂

    I’ll use this unexpected free time to review the courses I’ve already completed.
    I’m sure I missed some of your pearls of wisdom first time round.


  • Kate Pavelle

    Hi Dean, thanks for explaining. I think if you keep banging the cardboard character drum a bit, it will raise awareness of the usefulness of brushstroke characters. You have already done this for setting and sensory details. Hopefully more people will decide that cardboard sounds hollow, and sign up.

    On the Lifetime Subscription issue, I have never requested a code. I just listened to lectures and sent in assignments and occasionally a story. Could you please explain about these codes? Thanks!

    • dwsmith

      With a lifetime you don’t need a code to do assignments tbe first time through, but you do with regular workshops later on. Many forget that and ask for codes the first time through. A way for us to judge interest is all.

  • Nathan Haines

    Aww, I was waiting for both of those as a good excuse to start taking the workshops again. I would’ve mentioned it in passing but I haven’t gotten around to writing you an email and didn’t want to send one just to tell you.

    Looking forward to seeing them pop up again! They sounded very useful.

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