Get a Masters in Publishing
That’s Right, A Real Master’s Degree
From a real university. Western Colorado University.
New York Times bestselling writer Kevin J. Anderson teaches it with the help of WMG Publishings publisher Allyson Longueira. Kevin and Rebecca Moesta also own Wordfire Press. They also have a ton of guest speakers at times, including me, Mark Leslie from Draft to Digital, and so many more. You never know who is going to show up online in a class any given week.
Stunning amount of knowledge and hands-on experience. You want to learn how to be a publisher in 2023, this is the class for you. Plus you get a real live Masters Degree from Western Colorado University.
The class is a full year and online (except for one week in the summer). There are 12 to 14 students each year and right now they have an opening for one or two more and that’s it. Starts this summer.
I can’t begin to recommend this class enough. You can work it into any schedule.
Contact Kevin for a ton more information at