March Online Workshops Starting
March Online Workshops Starting… Still room to jump in. Also, in the next day or so I will announce something Kris and I are doing once again, against our better judgement, but because we got a great deal of requests to do it again after two years. Strengths. Only this time we will be doing it more extensively in a series of workshops to figure out where you are at and what you are strong at and areas you need to work on. The four areas will be Craft, Business, Sales, and Genre. Both basic and advanced in all four. (I’ll explain it all.) They will be very similar to a…
More Interesting Conversations
Even More Really Interesting Conversations… Not only did I have a fun conversation at lunch today with three other professional writers, but tonight four of us found an area off to one side of the Anchor and talked for almost two hours. All about business. The workshop has a policy of no blogging about the workshop until after it’s over, so thus the vagueness of these posts. But one more day of fun, then back to normal here. And to some fun posts and announcements that might just surprise a few of you. I know it’s been fun here. ————— March Workshops Start Tuesday and Wednesday!! Below is the list…
Full Workshop Update
ONLINE WORKSHOPS… The letters for those taking an online class in February have gone out. If you are signed up for a February online workshop and didn’t get the first preliminary letter, e-mail me off list. Of the February classes, a couple are close to filling. Point of View, Mystery, Speed, Teams, and Writing Secondary Plot lines all have just one spot open each. They start on Tuesday and Wednesday. The rest have two or three spots open. COAST WORKSHOPS… (2017 anthology workshop has all writing is done and everyone is reading. Science Fiction in April 2017 is full and everyone is reading.) — Mystery workshop in September 2017 has…
Two New Online Workshops Announced!
TWO NEW ONLINE WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED… That’s right, not one but two. Writing Endings will start in January and Writing Secondary Plot Lines will start in February. And above this is the announcement for a special on online workshops because so many people missed the Kickstarter we did a few months back. It’s a one week special, so don’t miss it. We won’t do anything like it again until the next Kickstarter campaign two years from now. Besides that, the online workshop schedule is posted now for December through May to help with planning into the new year. You can sign up for any of the workshops on the list at any…
Point of View
Point of View… I’ve been having a really fun discussion about point of view with a writer who took the new point of view online workshop in October. We have been talking about how there is no omniscient in fiction writing and how summary openings that feel omniscient have viewpoint, both author and character, often combined. For me, putting the point of view online workshop together was really fun. I was able to get past the basics in the first week and really start working on other deeper skills with writers. The point of the POV workshop was to not only give writers new tools, but make writers aware of the…
Thanks for the Comments
Thanks… I really appreciate the comments about the two workshops the last two days. Seems the copyright workshop might be worthwhile if it focused on how to use copyright to make more money with your fiction. So Kris and I will give it some thought. And I’m having fun moving over the lectures to a new place easier to use for everyone. I have seven of the lectures moved so check it out. I think they look pretty good. http://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com Tomorrow back to running and to writing. Got a fun new running plan to talk about which should also work for some of you with writing and goal setting. Stay…
Business and Writing
Business and Writing… We offer a business workshop online at WMG Publishing. It’s for writers who want to actually handle their writing business correctly and know where to find the right advice to make money with their writing. And more importantly, the workshop helps writers know what is even possible in the business of writing. It has always been stunning to me how writers flat don’t want to learn business. And when I noticed that the December business online workshop had no one signed up, (zip, zero, zilch) I just laughed. I knew that workshop would soon be dead when we first did it. Why did I know that? Because very few…
Ten December Online Workshops
Ten December Online Workshops… Instead of constantly having the workshop schedule listed in every post and on the side of this blog, I’m just going to do instead an occasional post about the upcoming online workshops. Feel free to forward these workshop posts to anyone you think might be interested. Online workshops are geared to any writer working on the craft and business of their writing. As the next three months go on, we will be moving the workshops to a more friendly and less “clunky” place. Teachable.com. So I will announce that as they get moved, starting with the lectures first. And even though not yet listed, we will be…
November Workshops Update
November Workshop Update All letters have been sent out to those signed up for the November Online workshops. So if you think you are signed up for a November workshop, or would like to be, fire me a letter. Lots of room in all of them. And also at the moment the Coast Anthology workshop group list is starting up. The workshop starts February 25th and because the list has started, we have had a few drop out, so there are some spots open. If interested, write me. The coast workshops are for those writers really powering toward making a living with their fiction in one fashion or another. It…
Information Overload
Information Overload Spent most of the day just sleeping, resting, doing very little. As I thought of things, I wrote them down. But mostly the brain just sort of shut down from a very intense week of learning and fun. The form of these posts and this site will change very, very shortly. Got a huge list of things I want to do here and with my writing. So stay tuned. This will be one of the last combined posts. Going to clear the clutter. (grin) ——– Kickstarter Update Got more of the surveys out, including all the workshop surveys out. So we are about halfway through the surveys now…