• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Collections and Workshops

    Short post tonight to keep my blogging streak alive on this Saturday night. Turned in two collections tonight, plus worked on the Strength workshops this afternoon and evening. I will try to remember to let you know when the collections are live. We will be another few weeks before we get the sixth Strengths workshop up. We are enjoying working on them and answering assignments. So far so good. If you want to take three you get the fourth one free and if you take all six you get a monthly online workshop free as well. Information about the Strength Workshops is at Strength Workshops

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Few More Strength Workshop Questions Answered

    Been Getting Some Good Questions… So figured I would answer them here. Question: Do I have to start with Regular Craft or can I do Regular Business or Regular Sales strength workshop first? Answer: You can do any of the regular strength workshops you want first. Or just alone. A number have signed up only for the Regular Sales. — Question: Can I work on more than one workshop at the same time? Answer: Sure, you can do as many workshops at the same time as you want. So far this new method and Kris and I doing assignments as they come in hasn’t taxed us. In fact, it has…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Strength Regular Sales Workshop Now Available

    Announcing Strength Regular Sales Workshop Just getting these up one at a time. Next up later in the week will be Craft Two. —- Regular Sales: This regular publishing and writing sales course tests your basic understanding of what makes a book sell. Covers, blurbs, wide distribution, expectations, plus much more. This will not only test you, but help you understand what you need to start learning to succeed in the future. In the Sales Two workshop, we will cover web sites, social media, newsletters, bundling, branding, series, and more detail stuff. But this Regular Sales workshop is critical to understanding sales and having the foundation under you in order for the details…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Information Overload

    Brain Fried… I had a hunch that would happen tonight after almost four hours of talking writing and business of writing with 18 professional writers. Tonight it seemed to all focus on marketing and discoverability. Wow, just wow. So instead of trying to talk about something intelligent, figured I would clean up some business and answer some questions. Thanks Everyone Who Bought the Bundle. Turned out to be a good one and the charity made some nice money as well. So thanks. Questions Answered On Strength Workshops — I want to repeat that there is no hurry at all in taking the workshops. You can work on them at your…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Curriculum for a Career

    Strengths Workshops Function as a Curriculum of Study for a Commercial Fiction Writer… At least that is our intent. Let me see if I can explain as I did this afternoon to a couple of other writers who were interested. As writers, looking into the future, the biggest question is always “What do I do next?” Second biggest question is “How do I get there?” Now Kris and I have been crazy enough to try to lay out that path just as  someone going into a college would get a path through courses to get to a certain resulting education in the end. Only in these workshops, we also test…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Giant Ape Kind of Day

    How was that for a silly blog title?… But that’s what it sort of was, actually. Kris and I decided we needed a day doing something different. Can’t call it a day off when our job is having fun writing and playing in publishing. But we do need to do something different at times. So we drove into the valley and saw King Kong: Skull Island. Fun. Exactly as expected. I ate too much popcorn. Then we had a nice dinner, found a good pie shop for pie, then headed home after walking around a big discount store for a time to make sure we had our steps. When we…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Strength: Regular Business Now Available

    The Strength: Regular Business Workshop is now available and live… As I said a few days ago, Kris and I will be looking at writer’s work and testing writers to help each writer personally find out where they are at and what they need to learn going forward. So now the Regular Business workshop is up, focusing on Copyright, Money and Cash Streams, Business Structure, Time Management, Wills and Estates, and a ton more. Find out how much you know about all those topics and also where to find help for what you don’t yet know. THE POINT… All the Strengths Workshop are designed to help you understand story craft, business,…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Information and Some Questions on Strengths

    We got some great questions today about the Strengths workshop. So thought I should spend a little time here tonight answering those. Remember, we will have six of these workshops when all loaded up in about two weeks. Regular Craft is up now. Regular Business will be up on Sunday. And so on. (See yesterday’s post for all the details.) — First off, we are only limiting the sign-up time for these six Strength Workshops. But once you sign up, you can take your time, clear into the fall or next winter if you want. The speed you take the workshop is completely up to you, in your control. Videos…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Strengths Workshop Starting Up!!!

    We All Wonder How We Are Doing… Now is your chance to find out. Kris and I are doing the Strengths Workshop again after almost two years. We are doing it differently this time. More intense (if that is possible) and more focused so we can give each person better help. THE POINT… Strengths Workshop is to help you understand in story craft, business, and sales where you are at at this moment in time. We will tell you where you are strong and where you need to work. And we will give you help on how to find ways to improve in each area. We will do this in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    March Online Workshops Starting

    March Online Workshops Starting… Still room to jump in. Also, in the next day or so I will announce something Kris and I are doing once again, against our better judgement, but because we got a great deal of requests to do it again after two years. Strengths. Only this time we will be doing it more extensively in a series of workshops to figure out where you are at and what you are strong at and areas you need to work on. The four areas will be Craft, Business, Sales, and Genre. Both basic and advanced in all four. (I’ll explain it all.) They will be very similar to a…