• On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Advanced Business Copyright Lecture

    Yes, After All These Months… It is now available. And the sixth one in the series, IP Valuation, will follow tomorrow night. Anyone who signed up for the series of advanced business lectures should have gotten a code from me already. If you did not get a code, write me. The new lecture is on copyright. 14 videos for $50.  You can find it at: https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com ————- Also, a couple of the Pop-Up workshops only have two spots left open in them. So if you are thinking of taking one of those, don’t delay too much longer. February 15-18, 2018 — Controlling Fear of Failure — How to Study and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Well That Was Fun… Not!

    Tsunami Watch… Off the shore of Alaska tonight there was a big quake and one buoy showed a thirty-foot rise, so alerts and watches went out all over, from Alaska down to California and Mexico. Now here on the Oregon Coast, we have two of our three retail stores, including our bookstore, about eight feet above sea level. Even a ten foot surge which would have hit at about a plus-four foot high tide. That would have done real damage to our stores. So Kris and I were monitoring everything we could for the last two hours. Billy, our store manager was doing the same. And so was Allyson, the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Tip of the Week

    FUN IDEA FIRING UP… As I talked about a few posts back, this idea came up while I was in Vegas and it sounded like a lot of fun. But it took a bunch of figuring to get past a few of the Teachable limitations. But with help, we got it worked out. So this is how it will work. Every Sunday night (Monday morning) I will put up a new writing or publishing tip on Teachable. To go to the tip of the week, go to: https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com Hit See All Courses and find Tip of the Week. The subscription to it is $10 per month. Right now there are…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Update On Coast Workshops

    Weekends Tend to Be Slow Around Here… And it is often on weekend nights I almost forget to post something here to keep my four-and-a-half year blogging streak alive. Tonight was one of those nights. So to make it easy on me and clean up a little more business, here is an update on the status of the coast workshops I sent out to the major coast workshop email group. (You attend a coast workshop here, you get on the big group with over 200 professional writers.) Write me for information if you have questions. Workshop descriptions are here. — April Fantasy Workshop... Full and reading. — Great Bundle Workshop……

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    I Wasn’t Clear

    No Surprise I Suppose… I didn’t really describe the focus on the new coast workshop very well, so got a bunch of good questions about it. So let me try this again here by answering some questions. Just reading these questions and answers might open your eyes to a world you hadn’t though of. First, this is about how to expand and write extra stories and novels in your series.  Okay, let me try to explain that. Kris is known for winning Reader’s Choice Awards at Asimov’s, Analog, and Ellery Queen magazines. Over 75% of those winning stories are side stories from one of her major series. It is an…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Summer Coast Workshop…

    Writing Long and Short in Your Series… Yes, we are trying a summer workshop again after five years of no summer workshops. Many have asked us for a summer writing and craft workshop and here it is. Limited to only ten from out of the area and only four locals from the area. COME SPEND A WEEK ON THE BEACH IN THE SUMMER ——————- Writing Series Stories and Novels July 21st- 28th, 2018 Taught by the multiple genre award-winning writer Kristine Kathryn Rusch (with a little help from Dean Wesley Smith). Both Kris and Dean have many successful series to their name in their forty-plus years of writing. This will be an…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Book Four Out of Sixty-Seven

    Yikes…  That feels like a long ways to go. I know, I know, one book at a time. (grin) So here is the video I did about the fourth book in The 67 Challenge, a Thunder Mountain novel called Tombstone Canyon. A time-travel western about a hidden canyon that actually exists in the Idaho wilderness. Some of you might remember I wrote this one in July in that challenge. It was published the first week of December. ————– Weekender Pop-Up Online Workshops Are Now Up on Teachable. A couple of these are about half full. February 15-18, 2018 — Controlling Fear of Failure — How to Study and Practice in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Curriculum Updated and More Information

    Finally, After A Year, the Curriculum Updated… The Curriculum now includes all the new writing and publishing workshops from the last year and the new Pop-Up Weekender workshops we just announced. No workshop doubles up information. All of them are unique and focused in an area of fiction writing and business. The curriculum is divided into a number of categories to help you decide, but I will always answer questions if you are unsure. ————————— I’m Still Working On Marble Grant Novel Actually, making a little progress. And I am still working on getting back the responses to the last short  story challenge that ended on December 1st. That is…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Pop-Up Weekender Workshops

    POP-UP WEEKENDER WORKSHOPS WMG Publishing announces a new category of writing and publishing online workshops. Shorter and more intense learning experiences. Kristine Kathryn Rusch and I have a number of workshop ideas we have wanted to do, but they are too long for a lecture and two short for the six week structure of the regular workshops. To remind you… —A Regular workshop goes through seven or so videos each week for six weeks and five homework assignments and costs $300.00. It takes six weeks to finish a class. Full list and descriptions at www.deanwesleysmith.com/online-workshops/ —A Classic workshop is a retired regular workshop that you can go through as quickly…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Coast Workshops Update

    Thought It Was Time… So here are the available coast workshops and their status at the moment. Here are the dates of the coming coast workshops. Full descriptions at Coast Workshops. ANTHOLOGY WORKSHOP… Feb 24th through March 3rd, 2018.  Full and Writing already. FANTASY WORKSHOP… April 14th through the 21st, 2018.  Taught by Kris. FULL AND READING ALREADY THE GREAT BUNDLE WORKSHOP… May 5th through the 12th, 2018. A completely new and original idea for a writing workshop. See the details on the Coast Workshop page. This one will start writing in late March. Still a few spots open. Jump in if interested. CROSS GENRE WORKSHOP… September 15th through the…