• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    3 Days Left!!!

    In the FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign… And it is doing great, which means all backers of any reward (starting at the first one of $30) get lots of great extra stuff. And three days is a lot of time in Kickstarter land (Think the last five minutes of a football game.) So we can hit some more stretch rewards and get all backers even more. So help us pass the word. You can find it at FANTASIES COLLIDE Kickstarter Campaign. Here is what all backers get extra (besides the award they backed) so far. All five FANTASIES COLLIDE collections in electronic format. ($30 Value) Seven fantasy novels or anthologies in…

  • Challenge,  workshops


    Workshops Are In Second Week!! I realized that yesterday after doing the post about the workshops closing later in the week, and then tonight I was doing assignments and starting the second weeks. As I was doing that, I realized that almost no one would jump in after missing the first week and the first assignment. Especially with the Collection Classes. So I talked to Kris about my idea and she said, “If you don’t mind the extra work.” So my SPECIAL OFFER IS THIS… If you jump into one of the Regular Workshops, Collection Classes, and Advanced Pacing Class, and send the first assignment with the second one this…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshops Still Open!!

    All Of Them, Actually… But most for only a short time. The January Regular Workshops are all still open. Still in the first week. And remember, these are all videos, so you can watch them on your own time. And write me if you sign up and want to turn in the first week’s assignment and can’t get to it by the deadline. No issue. You can get to all of these easily through www.wmgworkshops.com The Regular Workshops still open are: Writing into the Dark Teams in Fiction Writing with Depth Applied Depth Killing Critical Voice Advanced Depth THESE WILL CLOSE IN A WEEK. Advanced Pacing Workshop still open and…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  running,  workshops

    Today Everything Has Started…

    Stunning Amounts of Stuff… Wow, was this a busy start to a new year for new workshops, Kickstarter, diet, and exercise. I signed up for the tracking of trying to run/walk 2023 miles in 2023. For me that is just over 11,000 steps a day without missing for an entire year. Yeah, that’s a streak. Down two pounds on my first weigh-in of the year on Monday, so considering the holidays, a total win. And I am slowly trying to bring up the running a little without damaging my old knees. Mostly just walking the 5.5 miles a day at the moment. The eye is slowly improving but still really…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    What Workshops Have Started!!

    Since So Much Going On… I figured before the new Make 100 Kickstarter fired up at noon today (Tuesday), I would remind you of all the new stuff that is starting up here on the new year. And you can easily find all of them at our new workshop web site www.wmgworkshops.com For example, the Decade Ahead first week is up and posted. And the first week of Bitesized Copyright is up and posted as well. Those are both 52 week classes that are designed to help writers make a lot more money and keep going for decades to come. You can get more information and links to them at…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Busy Start!

    Wow, Is This a Busy Time… No time off at all the last week or so. Just none except to watch one fun football game. And the fireworks at midnight on the Strip and Fremont Street. (Watched all those from our place, then went back to the computer.) Even with my bad eye (that is slowly improving), I managed to get a lot done, including getting back to my own writing, something I will talk about in an upcoming blog. For example, the Decade Ahead first week is up and posted. And the first week of Bitesized Copyright is up and posted as well. Those are both 52 week classes…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Summary of New 2023 Workshops

    Starting Off the New Year with Learning… Lots and lots of learning and really fun new classes. Since I announced them slowly over the last two weeks, figured it was time I put them all together. And also, we have a new web site at www.wmgworkshops.com where you can find direct links to all of these on Teachable, as well as all the rest of the workshops and classes and lectures. So here are the new classes and workshops starting in 2023. STARTING MONDAY MORNING… January 2nd, 2023 — The Decade Ahead. Every Monday morning get videos to help you learn how to keep your writing and writing business going…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  publishing,  workshops

    Bite-Sized Copyright

    Learn Copyright Every Week Painlessly… Yup, I know. You have been meaning to get to learning copyright, but it just doesn’t seem important enough yet. You are making great money “selling” your stories on Amazon and other places, and the entire licensing thing just seems pointless. Sadly, most writers feel that way right up to the moment something happens. Copyright is like learning craft in fiction writing. The more you know, the more you realize you need to know. And the more you know, interestingly enough, the more money you make overall. But learning it on your own is difficult at best. And for many writers, tedious, so it gets…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Questions on New Workshops

    Got Some Questions… So figured I would answer them here. First off, the Collection Classes have all three years available. And you can get all six of all three years if you want. Each Collection Class is nine weeks long, you write five new short stories for it, and publish the book the last week. So the six 2021 Collection Classes are available for 2023. And the six 2022 Collection Classes are available in 2023 as well. That is also how the Advanced Craft Workshops will work. There are six of them for this year and if you got all six for the price of five, you could take a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Advanced Craft Workshops

    Now Available!!! Remember last spring when I started posting about thinking of doing advanced craft workshops and somewhere along the way I asked opinions of what topics would be good ones? I got great responses. Well, off and on over the last six months, Kris and I have talked about what advanced craft workshops might even be doable. We figure a lot of this will just beyond most writers, but better to know it is there and grow into it. For those familiar with the term, this will all be Stage Four level stuff. So after a bunch of back and forth, we finally decided to try these, so here…