• Challenge,  workshops

    Still Recovering…

    Very Sore Feet… But they are getting better. And I got a lot of workshop stuff and email done today, so slowly getting caught up. Story challenge just keeps going along. Giving it a focus and the story lengths are under 2,000 words, but still chugging. I will do some longer updates in the next few days on the challenge. LIFETIME EVERYTHING SUBSCRIPTION… Just three more days to get it at half price for the Lifetime Everything Subscription on Teachable. We started the sale for February but I have said almost nothing about it. This is a stunningly good deal if you plan on really working on your writing into…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Thanks for All the Kind Thoughts…

    I Really Appreciated Them… Especially as I limped around all day and took two naps. (grin) Managed to keep up the stories and do email and some assignments. I should be caught up by tomorrow. So let me tell you about a few workshops I am really proud we are doing. Workshops… Writer’s Block… It is on the WMG Writer Store We are doing a third session. If you have problems getting up to the speed you want or just not writing much at all, you can get the first two sessions of nine weeks each with webinars each week, all recorded, and then fire into the third session. It…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Story Challenge…

    Story #21 for February… Story #52 in a row for the challenge. Scary I did a year’s worth of weekly stories between January 1st and February 21st. (grin) Onward I go. Fun Writer’s Direct webinar today on the WMG Writer Store on publishing paper and so on. Great fun. And we are doing a third session of Writer’s Block. You can still get the first two sessions and watch the recorded webinars and jump in for the last part of the second nine week session and the third nine week session. I think it is worth while. The podcast I did the other day is now live.  Watch it at……

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Writing, Workshops, Podcast… Oh, My…

    Busy and Fun Day… I seldom do podcasts and things like that, but it sounded like fun and it was and I will tell you when it releases. One main reason I don’t do them is that Kris and my offices are within ear-shot of each other, so I would disturb her writing. But today she planned on getting her writing done early and spending the afternoon down in the WMG office, so the runway was all clear. Story Challenge… The story today was another Detective Crunch story called “The Woman Who Had Half a Clue.” Also really fun. So all good on the challenge and I think I have…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Always a Battle On Monday…

    Lot of Email and Workshop Stuff On Mondays… So getting a daily story done is a battle, carving out the time. Every Monday is a victory when a story gets done and tonight it was a Marble Grant story called “A Window for No Time.” Love that title. Got kind of snarky with the story, which was also fun. I am so looking forward to starting the next stage of this, which is ramping up the publishing part. I will feel a lot better if Kris has read a month’s worth of stories before I fire into that.  So not far off. Shortest story so far is 1,600 words and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day to Get Craft Class on Early Bird Discount…

    And Challenge Going Onward… So first off, today is the last day to get the CRAFT IN THE 21ST CENTURY done by Kris for $200 for the 9 weeks.  It will switch to $250 late Monday night. This class on WMG Teachable is something Kris really wanted to do. She will be recording videos every week and they will come out on Monday some time. The first week’s videos are now up. No assignments, just learning about how some craft things have changed in the 21st century. 9 Weeks of Mondays. Early bird price is $200 until Monday night late, then it goes to $250. Here is the video of…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Still Going Strong On Challenge…

    A Short Post Here Tonight… Finished a weird Bryant Street story (they are all weird), then Kris and I watched a bunch of television. Then I read a wonderful new novella from Kris and along with two naps, a writer lunch, some walking, and a webinar, that ate up the day. Fun day. CRAFT IN THE 21ST CENTURY… This class on WMG Teachable is something Kris really wanted to do. She will be recording videos every week and they will come out on Monday some time. No assignments, just learning about how some craft things have changed in the 21st century. She has already recorded the first videos for Monday.…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Story A Day Challenge Going Great!

    And I Am Still Having Fun! Tonight I got a few more stories spellchecked and ready for Kris to read, and then worked on a Bryant Street story.  The stories I got ready for Kris were a Poker Boy story and a Seeders Universe story. So I am all over the map. With luck, my new Shopify Store will be ready and I will have together and in the publishing process the first two or three ten-story collections. So going along with the writing just fine, slowly building up the publishing side. Got to have that publishing side or like the last time I tried this challenge, I will bog…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Marble Grant Kickstarter Ends Today!!!

    Ends At 7 pm West Coast Time… Here is the link to it. Marble Grant Kickstarter Also the two workshops in this one might be the most fun workshops we have done. I know I am going to have a blast with them, since Marble Grant and Sims are both ghosts in Las Vegas who love to party, love each other, and love to help people. These two workshops will never be available again after today. Don’t miss these… — Workshop #1… HOW TO WRITE GHOST STORIES — Workshop #2… HOW TO WRITE PARANORMAL CREATURE STORIES Also we have hit all the stretch goals so you get an extra ten stories…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Clocks Ticking…

    40 HOURS LEFT ON MARBLE GRANT KICKSTARTER We hit the special stretch goal and are close to another that also includes a free workshop. But just less than two days to go. Ends at 7pm Thursday night. Here is the link to it. Marble Grant Kickstarter Also the two workshops in this one might be the most fun workshops we have done. I know I am going to have a blast with them, since Marble Grant and Sims are both ghosts in Las Vegas who love to party, love each other, and love to help people. Here is the information from the campaign about the two special workshops… These will…