Workshops Updates
All Special Workshops Sent Out… For the 6 Novellas Kickstarter. If you did not get a letter from me tonight and expected to with the codes and links to the special workshops, please check your spam filter (they emails have links in them) and if not in the spam, write me. Also, I did as folks suggested and started a class called Fifty Years of Learning Through Mistakes. It is now available and will start on May 7th. And yes, those of you with the Everything Subscription, it is already in your bundle of classes. The focus on that class will be the learning from each mistake and how that…
New Fey Novel Kickstarter…
Launching at Noon Today!! Barkson’s Journey… A Race Against Time and The Fey When Augusta Kirilli discovers that someone wants to destroy her entire family, she needs to warn them. Warning her family, scattered all over the Qavnerian Protectorate, proves almost impossible and extremely dangerous. So she hires the one person who can reach them quickly—Lucinda Barkson. Lucinda Barkson, tough and dedicated, with a mysterious past. Lucinda Barkson, who sets out immediately, armed with fourteen letters for the Kirilli family, a partially accurate map, and a dozen different weapons. Lucinda Barkson, who soon realizes she faces warriors from the greatest military in the world—The Fey. With its nail-biting pace and shocking…
The Last Big Workshop Clean-Up…
Down in the Details Classes… Wow did I get behind, first because of my eye issues and then because of the shoulder surgery and recovery. But now I am back focused on finishing all of these. There are five groups of 8 classes each. Science Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy, Perfect Crime, and Holiday Stories. All have story prompts attached that can be submitted to a paying anthology for each class. Perfect Crimes Through Time and Holiday Stories are not posted yet on Teachable. They will appear in May as I record them. Science Fiction has five of the eight topics done, Fantasy has one, and Mystery none. Some of these were…
These Workshops Have Started…
A Number of Classes Starting Up… These classes started yesterday or today on Teachable. Special Writing Twists (2nd Session… Only available through the Kickstarter) Special Writing Real-World Dark Fantasy (2nd Session… Only available through the Kickstarter) Second quarter of Creative Survival Second quarter of Motivational Monday #32… Apr 2nd… Heinlein’s Rules (this month only) #34… Apr 2nd… Writing into the Dark #35… Apr 2nd… Teams in Fiction #36… Apr 3rd… Writing with Depth (start with this one) #37… Apr 3rd… Applied Depth (this month only) #38… Apr 3rd… Advanced Depth #40… Apr 3rd… Killing the Critical Voice If interested, go to Teachable and hit see all classes and scroll until…
Workshops You Might Want?
Taking Suggestions… If there is something you wish Kris and I would talk about over the spring and summer, let me know here in the comments or by private email. I know we had a lot of writers wanting the anthology workshop to come back and it is back now for August 5th through 8th here in Vegas. (Still some openings.) And we had a lot of questions about the novella classes and we are doing them. SF is starting later today at wmgwritersstore.com And yes I plan on finishing my branding series. But any other ideas that you really wish someone like me or Kris would talk about, feel…
Novella Classes
First Novella Class Starts Tuesday… You can see the information for each 3-month class on WMGWriterStore.com The first class is Science Fiction Novellas. Nine weeks of classes and one month of writing. 4 different genres over the year. For more information, go to the writer store and watch the videos that Kris did about the classes. And the new quarters of Motivational Monday and Creative Survival have started. And April regular workshops are up as well. The second quarter of the year is a great time to reset, maybe start a challenge. Short story per week is a great challenge to get you to the computer every week. And if…
April Regular Workshops…
Two Extra For Only This Month… For just this month, Heinlein’s Rules and Applied Depth are back as Regular workshops, meaning I will respond to assignments sent in on them. Only for April!! If you have a lifetime workshop and want to have assignments, just write me and I will get you the code to get into the April classes. Here is the April list of Regular Workshops and their start dates… #32… Apr 2nd… Heinlein’s Rules (this month only) #34… Apr 2nd… Writing into the Dark #35… Apr 2nd… Teams in Fiction #36… Apr 3rd… Writing with Depth (start with this one) #37… Apr 3rd… Applied Depth (this month…
Wow, Will This Be Fun! Those of you already signed up, no worries, I will be contacting you in a few weeks or so. But right now I wanted to let everyone know we have the editors all lined up. First let me tell you how this works. Months ahead of time, through me, the editors all send out guidelines for their anthologies. You have a deadline to write each story for each anthology. Usually one week.) All the editors read every story, even if the story is for another anthology. Then during the workshop all the editors up front comment on the story, usually a —“I really liked this…
Publishing Masters Program At Western Colorado…
Yes, You Get a Real Masters in Publishing… This is the brain child of my good friend Kevin J. Anderson and it has been going now for six years. Sometimes I get to do a lecture for him on copyright, but this program is a year long for the students. One week in Western Colorado University in the summer and the rest online. And you get a real masters degree. Helping out Kevin is Allyson Longueira and Gwyneth Gibby, both from WMG Publishing. And also a ton of guest speakers along the way. For a ton more information on this, go to https://wordfire.com/publishing-masters-degree/ This is an amazing program, one of…
The Art of the Novella Series
First Class Starts in One Week… You can see the information for each 3-month class on WMGWriterStore.com The first class is Science Fiction Novellas. Nine weeks of classes and one month of writing. 4 different genres over the year. For more information, go to the writer store and watch the videos that Kris did about the classes. We have another smaller series starting up this week. Stay turned. And the new quarters of Motivational Monday and Creative Survival are starting next week as well. Plus the 2024 words per day challenge in 2024 will have an April restart or fresh start. If you are an Everything Subscriber in the challenge,…