Got Reading To Do
So I Am Posting March Workshops… To remind everyone and let me get back to reading on this fine Friday night. (grin) They start on the 5th and 6th, thankfully for me after the Anthology Workshop here in Vegas. Also the new Futures Workshop: Structure will be starting on March 6th. Sign up for any of them on Teachable here. Or if you have a workshop credit you would like to use, write me and tell me which one you want to be in. March Six-Week Regular Workshops Now Available… Class #21… Mar 5th … Depth #3: Research Class #22… Mar 5th … Author Voice Class #23… Mar 5th … Dialog Class…
A Glimpse Back Almost Nine Years
Right Here On This Blog… I wrote this in August of 2010. Eighteen months after I got pulled into the indie movement. It is an introduction to a series of blogs I did called The New World of Publishing, but now it sort of serves as a reminder. Thought it would be fun here tonight to look back eight years and and six months. (This has been edited only slightly.) Enjoy… ———————– WRITTEN AUGUST 2010… Over the last two years, publishing has been starting into a radical shift, a move that for the first few months I just ignored. Michael Stackpole, a friend of mine, had been shouting at a…
Kickstarter Update
Books and Stuff… Over the next few days WMG Publishing will be sending out my collections that are now available to the supporters of my crazy Make 100 Paperbacks Project. Both stretch goals had collections involved. So everyone should be getting an email with those links to get the four collections. (Stories from July and three shorter collections.) Give us some time to get those out to everyone. The three collections that everyone will get of the Make 100 Books won’t be done until the fall, of course. Also, over the next few days you will be getting a letter from me on how to get into the first five…
Real Las Vegas Workshops Deadlines
We Give The Dates the Workshops Are Held… But that is not the deadline to sign up by any means. The workshops, for the most part, all start months and months ahead of the actual date you need to attend. For example, the Mystery Workshop here in Vegas in April is closed, not because it is full but because the reading list for it went out over a month ago and those attending need time to read. And that goes the same with those in the Study Along for the mystery workshop. We don’t close that one because someone might want to just watch the videos, but if you want…
Sunday Clean-Up
A Bunch of Stuff… And wow, was that what I saw over FaceTime today with Allyson at WMG Publishing offices as she and Gwyneth and the movers were there to move WMG offices from the back into where the old bookstore part of Pop Culture North used to be. Room to expand now that was desperately needed. And with Allyson showing me around the massive building on FaceTime, it finally sunk in how much stuff is still there. (I knew it, just had to see it again. Stunning.) I am going to be bulk selling a lot of great stuff over this next year. From maybe a hundred thousand comics…
Emotion Workshop
I Am Reading a Ton Right Now… Everyone who is attending the Anthology Workshop the first five days of March is doing the same thing. And every year, as we do this, I notice things. Back when Denise Little and I used to do this workshop, just the two of us, and it was a long weekend, I noticed that writers uniformly couldn’t pull readers into their stories. So the Depth in Writing regular workshop was created and trust me, that is not an issue any more. (We offer it every month. Next time up in March.) But over the last couple years I have been noticing that a lot…
Getting Started On Make 100
Many Steps… First off, next week everyone who supported my crazy idea to Make 100 Paperbacks will be contacted with the code for the Pop-Up bonus, plus to get your choice of Classic Workshop. And also since most surveys are in, we will be sending out the books that can go out. Again, thanks everyone. So tonight, after my eyes got tired from reading for the anthology workshop, I started the first step of cleaning up the Smith’s Monthly web site. Found a new theme that will work for now, loaded the advanced pro part of it, got everything updated on the back side. The theme will work great for…
Your Likes Have Nothing To Do With It
I Know, Hard to Believe… I have talked about apps a few times here, got some great comments and ideas. And numbers of writers are already on the chase in different ways. Thanks for those comments! And I talk all the time about electronic publishing and how readers are reading. And how so much of the world is reading on their phones now. Clearly a trend of the future that I don’t see changing. But if I only published in ways that I personally read or like, I would never publish electronically, only paper. And I would never think of gift cards or apps. Why? I don’t read electronically and…
March Workshops Up
All Ready for Sign-ups… A good list again this month, I think. They start on the 5th and 6th, thankfully for me after the Anthology Workshop here in Vegas. Also the new Futures Workshop: Structure will be starting on March 6th. Sign up for any of them on Teachable here. Or if you have a workshop credit you would like to use, write me and tell me which one you want to be in. March Six-Week Regular Workshops Now Available… Class #21… Mar 5th … Depth #3: Research Class #22… Mar 5th … Author Voice Class #23… Mar 5th … Dialog Class #24… Mar 5th … Writing into the Dark Class #25… Mar…
Got Pushback On App Idea
Not At All Sure Why… Of the three ideas I mentioned the other day that I thought might be ripe to start gaining speed, the most attention went to the mass market size and a lot of people liked the gift card for electronic books. But wow did I get a lot of “That can’t work!” about writers having an app. Not in comments, but in private email and other ways. Stunning. And no one has a really good reason why not. It might be that apps look “important” and hard to do or something. Or that writers can’t see any reason to use one for themselves. And I must…