• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Licensing Transition and August Workshops

    Some New Stuff Up… Including a Pop-Up on how to make publishing and submitting short fiction fun. All the Pop-Ups are still available, without the short story, in the Pop-Up bundles. But first I wanted to say that in the Licensing Transition, which will be going on all year, there are two new videos tonight, making it five so far, and that is just gaining speed. A bunch more by the end of the first month. Also, on the Las Vegas front, the Business Master Class still has some openings. It will be in October here in Las Vegas and you can write me for information. Going to be a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Trademark Book

    About Three Chapters Done… I wanted to make sure I was going in the right direction before I posted them here. Less confusing to all of you if I don’t have to back up. (grin) So I will do one more chapter, then start posting the chapters will moving forward. Stay tuned. Trademark law is such a strange beast. But while you are waiting, keep learning copyright. Off to start the Business Master Class group list. If you are signed up, expect an invite tonight or tomorrow. And check your spam filter on Sunday before you email me saying you didn’t get the invite. (grin)  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Space Travelers Bundle Going Away

    Last Few Hours…  Today (Thursday) is it!!! Sector Justice: A Seeders Universe novel is in this one. It stands completely alone. Basically a Star Trek like sf novel with a focus on cool space adventure, romance and some sex. Go figure. (grin) And it is a little longer than my normal novel these days. Kristine Kathryn Rusch put this bundle together and it’s a great bundle with some great books, stories, and writers. You can get it on Storybundle. All these books and anthologies full of stories are worth the read, folks. Just hours left. ————-  

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Prolific Problem

    I Spent Many Hours Today Looking For One of My Own Stories… Not kidding. You see, I write so many short stories, no chance I can even begin to remember a small number of them. But today I wanted to put together a brand new Poker Boy collection to premier in a new Storybundle coming out in two weeks. Kris has a brand new novella in it, never seen before as well. So this Storybundle will have Sorcery and Steam themed books in it and I remembered clearly writing a Poker Boy story where a goddess in fighting armor has to deal with Poker Boy. So I wanted that in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Day and A Bunch of Reading

    Fireworks Were Fun As Well… Kris and I started off the day by working some, then we headed out for a really nice lunch at the Wynn. You know you are eating quality when you can cut calamari easily with a fork and it almost melts in your mouth. Oh, my… Unlike where we lived for the last 23 years, Vegas is not a 4th of July Holiday destination. So streets were pretty calm. We got back from lunch and I headed to the gym for my run/walk. Then I went to work after a great dinner recording the first three videos for the Licensing Transition and getting them up.…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  On Writing,  publishing

    Licensing Transition

    A One Year Journey… Ever wondered how to get your nifty novel series or book with fun characters from a book to licensees who might want to make it into shirts, wine, movies, games, dolls, and who knows what else? That very question, the transition from IP to license is the subject of a one year course we are doing on Teachable. I just posted the last three videos on the Learn Along Licensing. And that one will go away shortly. But now, starting here on July 1st and running until July 1st, 2020 is Licensing Transition. It is not a workshop or a lecture or a pop-up or anything…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Trademark for Fiction Writers…

    INTRODUCTION… For years and years, when asked about trademarks by fiction writers, I flat told them to not worry about it. The reason I said that is simple: Fiction writers can’t seem to understand copyright. Trademark is another level of protection for different reasons completely. And far, far, far more complex then copyright. Fiction writers have this wonderful way of being sincere about learning copyright and then never finding the time. They write stories and novels for years and years and never once understand where the money comes from or what they have created. And by doing that, of course, they leave more money than they make on the table,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Still In A Bundle Going Now!

    But This Won’t Be Around Long… Sector Justice: A Seeders Universe novel is in this one. It stands completely alone. Basically a Star Trek like sf novel with a focus on cool space adventure, romance and some sex. Go figure. (grin) And it is a little longer than my normal novel these days. Kristine Kathryn Rusch put this bundle together and it’s a great bundle with some great books, stories, and writers. You can get it on Storybundle. LICENSING LEARN ALONG… If interested in jumping into that, better hurry. I’m about to shut it off on the 1st or 2nd. Those who are in will get some more videos as…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Rethinking the Writing Business

    Kris’s Blog Is A Must Read… At least for indie writers. (Traditionally book published writers don’t bother to read it because it won’t help you. You have already screwed yourself.) Indie writers, this first post in a series by Kris is amazing and very clear. She talks about our adventure at the Licensing Expo, some of which I have also talked about in the Learn Along Licensing thing I did on Teachable. And she talks about the main conclusion we came to, and that is simply “We are doing this wrong.” So head there and read it and comment if you want. Or come back here and comment if you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Lifetime Workshop Subscription

    Just Added Writing Westerns Into It… And I happened to notice that the total value of all the workshops in there was well over $16,000. Wow, shows what happens when you just sort of keep going year after year after year. This year we have put in four Futures Workshops, an Emotion workshop, Writing Time Travel workshop and Writing Westerns starting in July. It does not include the Pop-Ups, the lectures, Study Alongs, or odd things like the Licensing. But still, $16,000 plus of workshops for $3,000. And who knows how many more workshops we will keep adding over the years. Many more, from the looks of it. Seven in…