Resurrected Classic Workshops
FOR ONE MONTH ONLY!! Since numbers of writers have asked about how to get feedback on assignments in workshops that are now Classic Workshops and there just wasn’t a way (Until now.) Kris and I and Allyson got talking about figuring out a way to bring back one or two Classic Workshops per month, for one month only, and I would treat that workshop like a regular workshop that month. In other words, I would respond to the homework of that workshop. The class itself will still be in the Classic Workshops, and I will not respond to that, but we will put up the class with the Orange Regular…
More Copyright Valuation
Main Way of Valuing Fiction… If you haven’t read the previous posts on this topic, might want to go back and do so. Or read them again. And if you don’t understand copyright, much of this will just go past you I’m afraid. So I mentioned one way of valuing copyright. I called it the “Cost Method” because you just add up all the costs of producing the book and that is the value. That method flat doesn’t work past putting a value on covers and a few other design elements. But it is the easy one to understand for most. Now to be clear right here… I am not…
More IP Valuation
Thought I Better Do a Basic Friday Night IP Quiz… Before moving on to the second and most commonly used way to value IP, in this instance copyright. So be honest with yourself And do not tell me how many you got or didn’t get. These are so basic, if you are a professional fiction writer, these are silly easy. The answers will actually be at the bottom of this post, but don’t cheat doing them for yourself first. 1… When Publishing a Book wide, which elements contain copyright protection? a…the overall story b… the cover c… the sales copy 2… In your story, which elements contain copyright protection? a……
Summary of New 2023 Workshops
Starting Off the New Year with Learning… Lots and lots of learning and really fun new classes. Since I announced them slowly over the last two weeks, figured it was time I put them all together. And also, we have a new web site at www.wmgworkshops.com where you can find direct links to all of these on Teachable, as well as all the rest of the workshops and classes and lectures. So here are the new classes and workshops starting in 2023. STARTING MONDAY MORNING… January 2nd, 2023 — The Decade Ahead. Every Monday morning get videos to help you learn how to keep your writing and writing business going…
Bite-Sized Copyright
Learn Copyright Every Week Painlessly… Yup, I know. You have been meaning to get to learning copyright, but it just doesn’t seem important enough yet. You are making great money “selling” your stories on Amazon and other places, and the entire licensing thing just seems pointless. Sadly, most writers feel that way right up to the moment something happens. Copyright is like learning craft in fiction writing. The more you know, the more you realize you need to know. And the more you know, interestingly enough, the more money you make overall. But learning it on your own is difficult at best. And for many writers, tedious, so it gets…
One Last Week
Historically I Find This Week Productive… I hope you all do as well. If nothing else, set yourself up for the coming year. Look back at the past year, set some goals, streaks, or word counts for the coming year. 2022 was one of my worst writing years in my memory, in large part from not being able to write these last 2.5 months because of the eye injury. I’m going to set a daily goal, very small for me, to get back to it starting on the first. But no big challenges or goals for 2023 to start the year. I may change that in March or July 1st…
Flash Sale for Decade Ahead and January Regular Workshops
30% OFF FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS!! On the Decade Ahead classes and the January Regular Workshops. Decade Ahead class will work as a continuation of the Motivational Monday posts, only with a focus on what you can do to set yourself up to be ready for the full decade. New videos will be up every Monday morning. I just got the Decade Ahead classes ready to go for 2023 in the new weekly format. And I just got up all the January Regular Workshops. So figured for the next three days we could do a Flash Sale on those two. This 30% off applies to only the Decade Ahead…
Intellectual Property Valuation Basics
Some Basics Before Moving On… The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has laid out some basics when it comes to putting a value on IP. So I am just going to quote a few of those from their web site here for the purpose of education. First off, an IP must have exclusivity. WIPO says: “The value of an IP asset essentially comes from the right the owner of that asset has to exclude competitors from using it. For an IP asset to have a quantifiable value it should: generate a measurable amount of economic benefits to its owner/user; and enhance the value of other assets with which it is…
30% Off Sale Ends Tomorrow!
30% OFF SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!! On all Challenges and also all Collection Classes!! Since a few days ago I talked about how good doing a challenge would be for the coming year, we decided to give anyone signing up for a challenge 30% off. And since I just got all 24 Collection Classes now live on Teachable for the next year, we figured we would add all of them in as well to this quick flash sale. This 30% off applies to only the Challenges and the Collection Classes. And yes, it applies to the get a full year of Collection Classes Bundles. You can get the six from the…
Four Different Challenges…
To Help You Get Through a Year of Writing… That’s right, you can see the four challenges on www.wmgworkshops.com. Just about any kind of challenge to fit what you are working on. The Great Challenge is to write a short story per week for 52 weeks. That really gets a person focused on the writing every week. And wow does it get your inventory up and stories in the mail to top magazines. The Great Novel Challenge is to write a novel every two months for a year. Six novels above 30,000 words. You have to turn in a novel every two months, and then on your own time send…