• Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    We Have a Ghost.. Movie

    On Netflix… Kris and I watched it and not only is it funny as hell, but actually has good family stuff and emotion and a great ending. The movie is based on a short story called “Ernest” by Geoff Manaugh who is a well-known writer of architecture articles and articles on cities and such, mostly for the New York Times Magazine, among other places. He is also a. major blogger in that field. The story was first published in Vice in 2017 and optioned almost at once for a movie, but not by Netflix. I have no idea how it ended up in Netflix. And the story is not at…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    New Business Computer…

    Oh, Joy… This computer was giving me signs it was on its last legs. So I got a brand new iMac and a brand new second screen. Both still in their boxes. Wow are they cheaper than MacPlus laptops. Wow! Now comes that hard part… cleaning up my office. One old computer that I actually have not turned on in a year is already out of the office and staged to go to storage along with an empty file cabinet I just don’t see myself using. I am finding sticky notes that I am sure I wrote in the last century, but that is not possible since I have only…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    I Was Bad…

    Went Out for a Long Walk… To get my exercise, my five miles per day (which I did thank you very much). Very busy Saturday night with a big parade on the Strip for the Golden Knights. What a party. But downtown was pumping as well and as I was trying to go around the Fremont Street Experience, what did I happen across but an evil place with a large round door. The brand new PinkBox Doughnut Shop on Main Street, right where the Fremont Experience ends. Oh, oh… Now this chain has five or six stores here in Las Vegas and plans for others in towns in the West.…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Comments and Questions Here…

    Using This Blog For Comments and Questions… On the class called Attend the 2023 Licensing Expo with Dean. I will try to answer any question here so that those who didn’t take the class (but still have interest in licensing) can understand. It is still possible to sign up for the class. And in a couple of weeks I will add this class into the Licensing Transition class from a few years back as the last thing to be added in there. But not for two or three weeks. So did I learn anything this year? Yes, a ton. Am I going to make changes because of what I learned…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Licensing Expo 2023 All Done!

    Put Up 59 Videos from the Expo… Plus other regular videos. I will be spending the next two days in the class adding videos talking about some things that came clear this year, some observations, and some plans going forward. As expected, a smaller year because of the move to June and the fashion focus which made little to no sense at all. Very, very few booths had any kind of fashion. Still a massive experience. Expo is back in May next year. 21-23.  More than likely WMG will have a suite for writers to get together and talk after dinner each day, including the day before. One thing I…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Write Stuff Story Bundle

    Another Guest Post By Kris This is on the new Storybundle full of great books to help you with your writing and most importantly your writing career. Get it at www.storybundle.com/writing   THE 2023 WRITE STUFF BUNDLE Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch These days, anyone can write and publish a book. The rise of electronic books has made publishing easy and quick. However, not everyone can have a writing career. Writing careers take patience and a willingness to learn. Writers must learn the basics of craft, which they’ve always needed to know. But now, writers also need to learn how to run a small business. They must also understand that…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Attending Licensing Expo…

    You Can Join Me Through Videos… A couple days of groundwork now up. A day of getting my badge. And now today 17 videos about what the place looks and feels like overall on the first day. Second day. (Wednesday) I will do more of that as well as get down into more details and sample cases and such for idea for writers to use. Third and final day even more down into the weeds with ideas. Then a couple days of how to think about it all from your IP perspectives. So if you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I…

  • Challenge,  Guest Blog,  publishing

    Guest Post By Kris…

    This is from Kris’s regular business blog series, but I thought it important enough that I asked her if I could reprint it here. Important mind set change for indie writers. Thanks, Kris… ———- Business Musings: Stars Kristine Kathryn Rusch Me and the Google spent what I almost termed a “dispiriting” hour as I searched for the 21st century’s superstars in a variety of fields. I say “almost termed” because, when I think of it, “dispiriting” is the wrong word. Adult me, who loves this modern world of indie publishing and going directly to the reader, doesn’t mind the lack of superstars or “big names” as most people call them.…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    More Licensing Expo…

    Attend the Licensing Expo With Me… Virtually… Great dinner tonight with friends in for the Expo. Lunch and dinner tomorrow with friends as well. I have three days of groundwork now up on the class. More Monday when I go to get my badge. This will be me attending the Licensing Expo and taking pictures and movies and describing things every day when the day is over. If you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I would suggest you jump into this. It is still open on Teachable. It is called ATTEND THE 2023 LICENSING EXPO WITH DEAN. Direct link is https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/courses/licensing-2023…

  • Challenge,  Licensing

    Attend Licensing Expo With Me…

    Just Started Up… A couple days of groundwork now up. More tomorrow and then more on Monday when I go to get my badge. This will be me attending the Licensing Expo and taking pictures and movies and describing things every day when the day is over. If you are thinking of ever attending the Licensing Expo at some point in the future, I would suggest you jump into this. It is still open on Teachable. It is called ATTEND THE 2023 LICENSING EXPO WITH DEAN. Direct link is https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/courses/licensing-2023 Again, it will be videos and photos that I will upload each night when I get home, along with videos…