Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

Bryant Street Kickstarter is Live!!

Really Excited About This One!

Bryant Street Kickstarter.

Bryant Street… where The Twilight Zone lives. A really twisted, but normal-looking subdivision street.

40 stories in four books. The seasons of Bryant Street, basically. Or four seasons of a Bryant Street television series, 10 episodes per season.

Go to Bryant Street Kickstarter to see the entire project. Only 10 days long!

Plus two really great special 3-week workshops you can only get through this campaign. HOW TO PUT TWISTS IN YOUR STORIES and HOW TO WRITE DARK REAL-WORLD FANTASY. They will not be offered anywhere else.

And remember, this campaign is only 10 days long, so don’t miss it!

Below I talk about the project. (might have to click twice to start it.)