• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Great Questions On Study Along Workshops

    Some Answers, I Hope… — Do Lifetime Subscription to the Study Along automatically get into the workshops? Yes, Study Along Lifetime Subscriptions automatically get in to any workshop they want that is in the subscription. No need to sign up. I will send out the reading list to everyone signed up and all lifetime subscribers with each workshop. And the first assignment. You can decide with each workshop (as a lifetime subscriber) if you want to participate fully, or only watch the videos, or whatever. Lifetime subscription gives you complete options. — Could You Be A Little More Clear on What is Included? Study Along Participants get… — Reading List…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Study Along Workshops

    A Brand New Form of Workshop for WMG Publishing… Study Along Workshops will allow writers to follow part of the intense craft workshops being held in Las Vegas, only online. We have been wanting to do this for a few years now, and finally the move to Las Vegas of the in-person workshops and the nifty features of Teachable have allowed it to finally happen. This is a hybrid new form of workshop. Give me a second to explain. Vegas Craft Workshops… For those of you who do not know, Kristine Kathryn Rusch teaches the craft workshops. Those of you who have been through one or two can tell everyone…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    New Thunder Mountain Covers

    Allyson Fixed Two of My Covers… We felt the old Thunder Mountain novel cover didn’t really fit the series and the one for the Idanha Hotel novel didn’t fit the book itself. So she redid them and they will be on the series shortly. I flat love the new Thunder Mountain cover. A perfect cover to start the series with. Thunder Mountain, but the way, is free at the moment as we ramp up to a few promotions. Get links and see the full series at Thunder Mountain on WMG Publishing site. ————– You Can Sign Up Now For August Online Workshops… July workshops have drifted into the past now.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Playing Some Cards and Cat Pictures

    Yes, I Am Doing More Than Packing A House… Not only did we have the great Friday night meeting and another fun one on Sunday at lunch, but over the last few days I have been going with a writer friend and his wonderful wife to play in some poker tournaments. Sunday, she and I won the tournament. (Called chopping…) Last night I was the first out. Both tournaments were fun and I made some nice money overall. Then this evening a couple other professional writers joined me and our visitors for a long dinner and discussions. We actually didn’t talk much writing or cats. Just fun having dinner with…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    Promotion Package Is Back

    Only For a Short Time… The fine folks at WMG Publishing Inc. (Gwyneth, Josh, and Allyson to be exact) are doing an amazing job with the promotions packages. The packages turned out stunning. So after looking at a number of them that have gone out to authors, I asked them if they would mind opening it up for a few more writers and they all agreed. Seems they are enjoying doing them and learning a ton. (Some of what they learned helped get my five-year-old book and series to the top on Amazon a couple weeks ago and the series is still selling like crazy.) So here are the details…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    David Farland Joins the Master Class

    The Master Class Will Be Stunning… New York Times bestselling writer David Farland has joined the other amazing instructors at the Master Business Class in October in Las Vegas. Dave is not only an expert teacher of writing and publishing, but also an expert in all things Hollywood. Plus, as most of you know, he is the executive editor of Writers of the Future. Also, David Vandergriff, aka The Passive Guy, will be there, along with New York Times Bestsellers Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and many other experts. See the list below. The workshop is October 19th through the 23rd. A firehose of information at the…

  • Challenge,  News

    Working at the Bookstore

    Well, At Least Hanging Around… Dan has all the construction and moving plans under control and over the next five days we will be moving a ton of books and shelves. This is part of what the North by Northwest Bookstore Kickstarter paid for. Movers will be coming in to do the heavy lifting for a time. And we are taking a ton of shelves out of Kris and my house here on the coast that we are getting rid of. We still need to build more. The new area is huge, if you haven’t gotten that idea. Here is what it looks like at the moment from the edge…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Day

    Errands and Meetings and Fun Conversations… Day started off with errands since it was my first full day back in town. Then meetings at WMG and some planning out at the bookstore. Then a fun dinner with writers. Then a fun business meeting with even more writers. Then I worked in my office at WMG cleaning up business stuff until after 1 a.m. Home to watch some television and get some sleep now. I will answer email tomorrow. Damn I have a tough life. (grin) ———– (Blog Streak Day 2,180) ———- Found… The picture below is on the wall of my office that I am tearing apart. I will move…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Things Always Change

    And There Is Always a Lifespan… Over the decades, I have been involved in numbers of groups and writer’s events. I helped start a workshop in Moscow, Idaho. Kris and I started a group and workshop in Eugene, Oregon. And we started a publishing company named Pulphouse Publishing that, by its nature, had a limited lifespan built into its DNA. (When we started WMG Publishing we made sure it did not have that fatal flaw.) Then twenty-three years ago we moved to the Oregon Coast. We had no desire to start anything here, but as the years went by, it just sort of happened. Workshops, Sunday lunches, and over the…

  • Challenge

    Back In Oregon

    So Tired Tonight…. So this will be one of those filler posts to keep the blog streak alive. Kris knew I was going to be tired when I finally stopped, so she reminded me to do this on the phone as well as sent me a message. That folks, is the value of having your family involved with a streak and having them help you at times keep it going. Thanks, Kris. And wow do we have some great stuff coming up to announce. We are all really excited. How is that for vague? (I’m tired and been working on the new stuff all day as I traveled, on the…