Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

A Great Take On Writing Into The Dark

Writer Michael La Ronn Video…

Michael La Ronn, a fine writer of a lot of great books who also does a great podcast, is doing a series on YouTube about writing books, and he featured my book Writing into the Dark. 

At first I thought this would be a sort of review, and since I don’t tend to read or watch reviews, good or bad, of my own work, I had thanked him and not watched what he had done. Then a friend watched it and said it was so much more than a review and I needed to watch it.

So I did.

And it is so much more than a review. Wow.

Michael takes the concepts of Writing into the Dark, which he has tested over many books, and adds to it, talks about it, and actually adds a level of explanation into Writing into the Dark that only a professional writer could add.

His goal is to help all of you become better writers. Exactly what I was trying to do as well with the book.

So folks, my suggestion is that you start following Michael, both on his writing podcast The Writer’s Journey, and his YouTube videos, as well as his great fiction.

And as a sample of how he can take a simple book like mine and give it even more meaning, watch this. It might help you have more fun with your writing.

Thanks, Michael, for the great work on helping others understand Writing into the Dark. Very much appreciated.




  • Kenny

    Thanks for sharing Dean, I’ll have to set aside some time later to read his books / blog / watch his videos.

  • Lena

    That was great. I really enjoyed Michael’s video on his writing process and his success with Writing Into the Dark.

    I especially connected with his comment about having faith in the process. I fall down here, but I’m a person of faith in other areas of my life, so why not writing? And trusting the creative voice.

    Thanks for sharing, Dean. And thanks for Writing Into the Dark (book and workshop!).

  • Leah cutter

    Thank you so much floor sharing that Dean! Am always looking for new podcasts.

    And yes, writing into the dark can be scary. But as Michael said, it’s also exhilarating.

  • Philip

    Michael has a great channel and he’s a voice Indies need to hear because he’s living the concepts you teach. So, it’s proof it works for everyone and not just you, Dean. Great stuff.

  • Linda Jordan

    Awesome video. I so agree with him. After I read your book it changed completely the way I wrote. So refreshing. I think I probably would have quit otherwise. Outlining was so so boring. Along with revising draft, after draft, after draft. Basically, your book gave me a way to completely change the way I wrote. Thanks for that. I’m having great fun now.

    • dwsmith

      If it had only been a book review, I never would have posted it. But it also had a lot of information and opinions people could learn from. Michael has a clean, direct way of explaining things that some can hear where they might not hear me on the exact same topic. So worth it.