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An Update On My Injury…

Still in Physical Therapy…

But nearing the end of the process.

Most of you know here that around the end of October last year, I was running in a 5K charity run, far too fast for my 73 years (staying with the leaders), tripped on a curb I did not see and went down rolling on concrete. (Rolling to save hitting my head.) Destroyed my right shoulder. First broken bones I had ever had.

Surgery four days later to put in Titanium shoulder and upper arm. First surgery I had ever had.

Big brace and sitting up in a chair sleeping for over a month, then started PT around the first week or so of December. I could not type or write for almost three. months. Still managed to keep up this blog streak here with the help of Kris many, many nights.

In March I got back writing more (slowly and painfully) and I am increasing speed very slowly.

Now, almost June, seven months after the crash and burn, I am nearing the end of PT. Shoulder movement is back to about 90% and the pain is dull when I notice it. I need to gain a lot of strength, yet, but that is happening seemingly every week.

I got a few questions about it lately, wondering how I was doing. Thank you!

Now it is mostly just a life roll that I have gotten through. I’m just glad I didn’t hit my head. Different outcome if that had happened.

My full running days are finished, but old-man jogging is in my future, something I need to learn. (Slow, but consistent.) My focus now is to drop the 20 pounds I gained because I ate like a pig while recovering. That will happen this summer with walking and learning how to jog and eating better.

And because of my fall and Kris taking over the business, we discovered a ton of problems there that we are working through.

So the injury was a life roll. The business crap is another life roll. But Kris and I are both writing through it now and back to having a blast. Aces games, concerts, plays, and amazing restaurants and friends.

Thanks for the questions about the injury. Nearing the point where it was something that happened, no longer something I am dealing with. Let me simply say, “Yay!”