Challenge,  Misc

Thank You All…

For the Very Kind Thoughts and Well-Wishes…

Very much appreciated. And as each day goes by I notice the shoulder less and less and do more and more. Every-so-often I move wrong or try a little too much and it reminds me. But otherwise no issues. I don’t even think I have taken Advil (my pain medication of choice) for a while now.

Kris is thinking of doing one more month of writing challenge to really keep her going through all the business stuff. If tomorrow she is 100% certain I will put it up on Teachable and announce it here.

Two days left in the May challenge. How is everyone doing? And remember, if you bought into the challenge, you get get credit if she beat you and even more if she didn’t. So keep writing.

It is now 4:30 in the morning and I am off to get some sleep.