Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

All Kinds of Stuff Today

A Day of Finally Getting to Things…

We all have those kinds of days. And I got a hunch I will be doing more and more of that this week and through next week as the craziness ebbs some after a stupidly long month of no time to breath it seemed.

And yes, on the challenge, I missed some nights. But I will talk about that later and am writing fine now, so more than likely will start doing some extra stories next week to put in the missed slots. And I finally have my system in place. Part of what caused me to miss was my system collapsed, as I was afraid it would. Just too many stories, but new system will hold up under the weight of 365 stories, I hope. More on that later. But the story I finished tonight was a 4,000 word Thunder Mountain story called “The Cabin Between the Pines.”

Working number of hours today getting the final layout on Smith’s Monthly #60 so it can come out next week on time and getting the cover done for what I think will be Smith’s Monthly #61.

I will be doing a lot of covers for short stories in the next few days and getting all them up on Patreon. I’ll work at posting regularly after that. I still do not have the January stories done and together for that collection yet.

And I have been having fun with the Science Fiction World Building Pop-ups. More than likely still a couple weeks away, but they are in progress and Kris and I have figured out a cool way to get the ideas across in those.

Plus we have been working for the last numbers of months (but got sidetracked this last month, but back now) on two really fun projects. Neither are ready to launch yet, but one is a focused mentor on just a single thing a person needs help with. We have figured that between Kris, Allyson, Gwyneth, and me, we can help anyone with just about any single focus on learning.  So if you have one area you would love a personal walk-through with, we might offer that coming up shortly. Watch for details here if we get it together.

Second thing is called Cheepy’s Recommended Classes of the Week. It will have four focused classes and a nonfiction book on a topic each week. It will be like a new series of bundles, but each week, the new one will be on half-price sale. We again don’t have it all set, but we are loving the idea to focus down four of the classes, plus a book, one class might often will be brand new.

So a little peak ahead at two things we will be bringing on. Cheepy’s Recommended Classes of the Week will be to help some of you get through the time of great forgetting.

And for fun, how about a picture of Cheepy. Cat pictures are always fun.


  • Mihnea+Manduteanu

    Great and excited update this, and I am tingling about that mentorship idea. Can’t wait to hear what it’s about.

  • Buddy Tripp

    I was just reading your blurb for Against Time and saw you named one of the MCs Vardis Fisher. You cheeky devil, Mountain Man is one of favorite all time reads. Looking forward to Depth next month.

    • dwsmith

      Soon as Kris and I can figure out what we think the Decade Ahead will look like. Not a clue at the moment, but we will have a better idea after the licensing expo next month. Maybe then we can start putting things together. We were doing so well on that class right up until March of 2020. (grin)

  • Emilia

    Mentorship sounds great. The information flow workshop helped a lot, but I’d definetely go for more help with that. Also pacing, but that would be because I’m having fun trying nifty things with rhythm, and shape of sentences on the page, and I’d be excited to learn more.