
4,380 Days Without Missing!

This Blog Streak Hits 12 Years…

Without missing a day.

Through web site crashes, power outages, me being in the hospital, and just forgetting at times, I always managed to type something every night for 12 years here starting August 1st, 2012.

This shows the amazing power of streaks.

And today had a ton of great news as well.

I got my official discharge release from PT. 8 months almost to the day since I started. (I signed a bunch of books for them and told them I never wanted to see them again. (grin))

Two major business things settled as well today, so fantastic there. And we had a great dinner with an old friend coming through town.

Sometimes there are good days. And sometimes there are better ones.  This is one of those better ones.

4,380 days without missing. 12 years. Well, I have to say, that is something.