Challenge,  workshops

Writing, Workshops, Podcast… Oh, My…

Busy and Fun Day…

I seldom do podcasts and things like that, but it sounded like fun and it was and I will tell you when it releases. One main reason I don’t do them is that Kris and my offices are within ear-shot of each other, so I would disturb her writing. But today she planned on getting her writing done early and spending the afternoon down in the WMG office, so the runway was all clear.

Story Challenge…

The story today was another Detective Crunch story called “The Woman Who Had Half a Clue.” Also really fun.

So all good on the challenge and I think I have enough stories now for the Marble Grant books. I will figure that out tomorrow and if not, I’ll write another one. (grin)


And the Tuesday part of the weekly workshops was fun and Kris and I got some really fun stuff worked out. I was kind of disappointed that only a few folks wanted to do the coaching because, to be honest, I have really, really been focused on those five areas for the last year. I talked with Kris about that at lunch and we can up with a great idea that would let me teach it. And really help the few who signed up for the coaching one-on-one as well. Tomorrow I will announce that.

Tonight I had the time to start up the MARCH REGULAR WORKSHOPS. Adding two from the ranks of Classics this month to take as a regular workshop and do the assignments.

The two from Classic now Regular for one month are APPLIED DEPTH and REACHING PULP SPEED.

Regular March Workshops Now Available… All six weeks along with five homework assignments. They start on March 4th and 5th. $300 each.

  • Writing Into the Dark
  • Teams in Fiction
  • Depth in Writing
  • Applied Depth (one month only)
  • Killing the Critical Voice
  • Reaching Pulp Speed (one month only)
  • Advanced Depth

If you have a Lifetime Workshop subscription or an Everything Subscription and want to take a class and do the assignments, just write me for a code. And please tell me which subscription you have.


If you buy any workshop on Teachable, you get your choice of the Kris and Dean Shows DIE HARD or BACK TO THE FUTURE. If you already have them both, you can send the code to a friend who might like it.

Only if you buy a class or workshop or Pop-Up on Teachable for the next week until the first of the month.




  • Kristi N.

    Count me as one of the people who really wanted to jump at the chance for one-to-one coaching, but I couldnl’t make the numbers work. Normally I’d fudge the budget numbers in the household to eke it out, but not this year. I’ve been trying to work the budget so I have money to hand so when opportunities arise, I can get in on them, but I used that for the Challenge Yourself special in December. (The challenge is going great, but I’m in the vast wasteland between publishing the first book and having enough up to actually make the coaching more valuable.)

  • Kerridwen Mangala McNamara

    I really want to sign up for the coaching… or even the mentorship. This is EXACTLY what I need. But it’s the limited time-and-money problem. Sigh.

    Right now I’m trying to avoid everything you put out here, finishing the Free Kickstarter class on Teachable, deciding where to start with my Lifetime Subscription (from finishing the Gear Publishing Challenge), trying to bring my fault word count up for the 2025 words/day Challenge, getting books out the door… and then, oh yeah, there’s still kids and getting back in shape after 4th run around with covid…

    Part of me wants to jump into Analysis Paralysis and read/ watch EVERYTHING instead of also writing and publishing… to make sure I get the business end Right… Eeep!

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