Challenge,  workshops

Workshop Updates

A Bunch of Them…

Getting back on track with different projects and I thought I would first update the different workshop information and news before jumping back into more branding and stuff.

Special Workshops from the Pulphouse Kickstarter. All letters have been sent out with the links and codes to get into the different special workshops. The first session starts on Tuesday.  If you were signed up and didn’t get a letter from me tonight, please check your spam filters because there are links in the letters. If not there, write me.

— Anthology Workshop early August 2026.   Sign-ups are open right now for the early-bird price of $750. That will go to $1,000 fee in a week.  It is over half full right now. Limited to 30 writers. Write me for details and information or see the previous post a week or so ago.

— In-Person Craft Workshops are available to sign up. May is Gothic and August is Adventure, both taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Cost is $750 and both are limited to 14 writers. Adventure is over half full now. The January 2025 Space Opera class is full. Write me to sign up or for more information.

— Getting Ready for the Adventure Class.  The in-person classes taught by Kris are tough and a lot of people I turn away because they are not ready yet. We never want to let anyone into a class that might set them back. We want to help writers jump forward. But I made an offer for the Adventure In-Person Class in August 2025. Even though you might not be ready, I will help you get there by reading a story every two weeks for the next year to make sure you are ready. You have to sign up for the Adventure workshop, but no extra costs involved. I have one more spot open to do that.

— August Regular Workshops started last week. Still plenty of time to jump into them. See the list on the right.

— Kris Fall Writing Challenge starts Thursday… That’s right, Kris is doing the writing challenge again starting on the 15th of August and going through the 30th of September. Every night she does a letter about her writing day and if you sign up, even if you don’t match her word count, you get $300 in credit and if you surpass her word count you get double that in credit on Teachable. (Lifetime Everything Subscribers write me for the code.)

— After a very long delay, the Down in the Details classes are being recorded.  I will put up one new one a day starting in a week until they are all done. If it was part of a kickstarter, it will go out to the backers of that Kickstarter through an update. A lot of great stuff coming there, finally. I will do. quick announcement each night of each new one up when they start.