Challenge,  Fun Stuff

We Missed a Great Game Today…

Aces vs Liberty…

Here in Vegas and we have season tickets, but the game started at noon, which meant me getting up around 9 am and leaving at 10 am. Middle of my night, so I had decided to not go and Kris decided to stay home as well and get the video for the new GHOST OF A CHANCE Kickstarter done. (she did and it is really nifty…)

So by the time I made it downstairs, Kris had been watching the Aces’ game for a while and from what she said we had been down, then way up, then way down. I watched the last quarter as we could not rally and the Liberty won the first meeting of the year.

But even with the loss, it was an amazing game.

So a great day at my computer, then groceries and out to a light dinner with Kris before coming back up to this office to work on all sorts of stuff (oh, there was also a nap and the last episode of Brigerton).

Only thing that might have made this day better is if the Aces had won. Next time.


  • Richard Clement

    Yeah, terrific game. Just incredible speed and agility on both sides. But unstoppable as Aja Wilson is, the Aces play a tighter game with a healthy Chelsea Gray. Oh yeah, and the Storm beat them too (gloat).
    Hoping you can catch the next one,

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