
The Problem with a Streak…

It Becomes Very Powerful…

And some days, like tonight, I don’t have the time or energy to do a decent blog on this daily eleven years and counting blog streak. But to maintain the streak, I have to write something. What a pain.

Tomorrow I have to be up at 7 am (basically the very middle of my normal night) to go do a charity run. They are fun and Kris and I have a tradition that afterwards, depending on the area of the valley the run is held, we go to one of two diners for breakfast.

Tomorrow the run is to the north and west of town, so we will hit the Black and Blue Diner on the way home, a fantastic place with chicken fried steak to die for.

There will be pictures of the run, not the steak, I am sure on Kris’s web site.

Tomorrow night is another daily blog, but for now, this day, this blog is done. Night.