The Battle of the Restart
Great bundle with two of my books in it. And a wonderful book by Lawrence Block and a great book by Kris. Don’t miss it. http:/
The Battle of the Restart
Back writing.
So easy to say, so difficult to do for almost all of us after a layoff.
I am no different. Annoyingly so.
More in the Topic of the Night post above.
The Day
Managed to get to the WMG offices and the new store around 2 p.m., after nine hours of sleep. I think I needed that.
Ran a bunch of errands, including my third trip to the sign shop to pick up more signs. The old guy who runs the sign shop is really liking me, considering the money I’m spending with him. And since the sign shop is in the back of an old bowling alley he owns, he gave me a tour. It’s still open, but I hadn’t been inside in a couple of decades.
It’s eight lanes, wooden lanes, and has a 1950s look, right down to the pool tables and old wooden benches. He has the place for sale, plus a building with three apartments in it behind it, for $680,000. (Considering the three apartments and the Highway 101 footage it’s a steal.
It was built in the 1930s and is one of the last surviving bowling alleys on the Oregon Coast. I felt like I had stepped back in time to when I used to bowl a lot with friends, or go with my dad to the bowling alley.
It was wonderful, just wonderful. A great investment for someone, that’s for sure. I penciled out the numbers for the investment and at that price it works.
So off I went running more errands. Then I worked at the store hanging signs and pricing things until right before 8 p.m. when I shut things down and headed home to stay for the first time in weeks.
Actually got started writing after dinner and a nap around 10:30 p.m. Managed 3,200 new words by 3:30 a.m.
More about restarting above in the topic.
Online Workshops
I think this June list of workshops might be the strongest list of online workshops we have ever done. Since it is the time of great forgetting, not many people signed up yet, so most of these workshops will allow me to give pretty good attention to anyone taking them.
And remember, except for the new workshop, Teams, the workshops are only limited to five writers. Even with that limitation, none are close to filling. Teams is limited to twelve writers. Still lots of room in that as well.
Class #51… June 6th … The Business of Writing
Class #52… June 6th … Character Voice/Setting
Class #53… June 6th … Author Voice
Class #54… June 6th … Ideas into Stories
Class #55… June 7th … Teams in Fiction
Class #56… June 7th … Depth in Writing
Class #57… June 7th … Plotting With Depth
Class #58… June 8th … Writing Fiction Sales Copy
Class #59… June 8th … Writing and Selling Short Stories
Class #60… June 8th … Advanced Depth
Classic Workshops and Lectures are also available at any time.
The Writing of Death Takes a Partner: A Mary Jo Assassin Novel
Day 1.. 2,100 words. Total words so far… 2,100 words.
Day 2.. 4,400 words. Total words so far… 6,500 words.
Day 3.. 4,200 words. Total words so far… 10,700 words.
Day 4.. 2,150 words. Total words so far… 12,850 words.
Day 5.. 2,200 words. Total words so far… 15,500 words.
Day 6.. 2,050 words. Total words so far… 17,550 words.
Day 7.. 3,200 words. Total words so far… 20,750 words.
(Thirty days off between day six and day seven.)
Totals For Year 3, Month 10, Day 26
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 981
— Daily Fiction: 3,200 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 3,200 words
— Nonfiction: 00 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 00 words
— Blog Posts: 2,100 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 13,200 words
— E-mail: 16 e-mails. Approx. 500 original words. E-mails month-to date: 531 e-mails. Approx. 34,600 words
— Covers Designed and Finished: 0. Covers finished month-to-date: 2 Covers
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Stefon Mears
Oh, in my mind those are 1950s pool tables too. 5’x’10’ monsters with slow, worsted cloth and tight pockets. Hell to play on — even if true with good rails — but the torture would be worth it just so I could say I’d done it. Experienced the kind of tables that the likes of Mosconi and Taberski played on in their heyday.
I look forward to reaching the point I could look seriously at investment properties like that one.
I also look forward to seeing the new store. It sounds great.
If you are coming for the master class or the anthology workshop, we might even have the train running around the walls through all three rooms. That’s going to be really cool, but won’t even start doing that until the fall. Right now we are still working on pricing what we have out.