Not Many Writers Want To Make Money
On Their Writing… I just put up four more videos on the Learn Along with Dean in the preparation section. And you get an entire Classic Workshop to learn from as well. (Magic Bakery code is there.) And it isn’t even as expensive as a regular workshop, even though there will be a workshop’s amount of information if not more. Practical information. But very few have signed up. And to be honest, I was surprised at how few have signed up. For me, making money with my writing is such a no-brainer, I want to soak up and learn as many ways as possible how to do it. And I…
I Jumped The Gun
I Posted the First Video on the Learn Along… I wasn’t going to until the 28th, but felt I needed to get videos going up there. And besides, I ran into a bunch of licenses this evening most will have never given much thought to and wanted to start getting everyone who is signed up prepared. Get everyone looking around at all the licenses around them, just as I am doing. So I started early and put up a first video tonight for the Learn Along with me for the 2019 Licensing Expo. And I gave everyone taking this free access to the Magic Bakery Classic Workshop. Why, because even…
Want to Work With Me?
Four Main Ways… To work with me on your writing and publishing business. The most intense and regular way is to have me be your mentor for a year. There is one spot still open in that. I announced that spot three or four months ago and forgot to mention it didn’t fill. Basically, as a mentor I am here for you when you need a question answered, to be talked off a ledge, or to proof your sales copy. I read anything you want me to read and I also have each person check in with me on Sunday to tell me what they have been doing or not…
Just a Day
A Couple People Asked… Since I used to detail out my days a lot here, and at some point in the future, I might do it again for a special project or something, and a few people have asked why I don’t do that now, I’ll show you today, a fairly normal day at the moment. Managed to be up and moving around 10 am, did some email and business until around noon, then wrote about 1,500 words in two short sessions. (Working on a new Cold Poker Gang novel called Ring Game. The one I just finished will be to the challenge followers in a week or so.) Kris…
Writing This Morning…
Exercising This Afternoon… Visiting friends and reading stories tonight. A pretty good day all around. Most certainly a fun one. Almost three thousand words on a new Cold Poker Gang novel. (Finished the previous one.) Then ended up with just over seven miles of steps (14,000 plus) which included a half mile of running. Then visited a friend who was in town tonight before getting to reading challenge stories. Still have a few to go from last week, so no one panic. Can’t beat a day like today.
June Workshops and Descriptions
Time Travel Workshop Available… Plus I have below some of the descriptions of the Futures workshops, all four of them, and the description of the Emotions workshop and Time Travel workshop. I also have a list of all the different workshops now available. An amazing list. All this is on Teachable, of course, and that is where you would sign up unless you have a credit. If you have a workshop credit, write me. The four Futures workshops also have a bundle on Teachable that you can get all four cheaper if you buy the bundle. So first off, the June listing of Regular Workshops now available. Then all the…
Fun and Busy Day
Worked On Licensing Expo Stuff… Also, in the middle of getting stuff ready for the licensing conference, we had a great but short visit with Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, two of our closest friends. They were just coming through town and we met them for coffee. I just saw Kevin and Rebecca a month ago at Writers of the Future, but it had been a while for Kris. Kris and Kevin met as undergrads in college in Wisconsin and Kris was Kevin’s best man at his wedding to Rebecca. Kris introduced me to Kevin about four months after Kris and I met. We were in a coffee shop…
Free Lecture, Classic Workshop, and Workshop Discounts
Plus Some Fantastic Reading… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge, meaning 260,000 words. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two books and…
Update on My Stuff
Still Working Into My New System.. But making progress. The web site (not this one, a new one) is making progress. Got a few things to fix and a ton of books to list, but that will take time. And I have been learning InDesign, the new one, so I can get ramping on the Make 100 Short Stories. That will take another week and I should have the first few covers done for Issue #45 of Smith’s Monthly. (I will post them here.) I need to finish up the novel that will be in that issue as well, a brand new Marble Grant novel that is mostly done because…
Week Three Great Challenge
Happy To Say Everyone Hit It… Everyone who is writing a weekly short story got a story in. And a new person started and a couple others have not yet started, which is fine. In fact, perfectly fine to sign up at any point still. The Great Challenge is not filled and I am enjoying reading the stories. (Remember, you get workshop credit when you miss.) I won’t talk much about this challenge going forward, since life will cause writers to miss from this point onward. That will just happen. My hope is that a number of them make it all the way. That would be so cool! But that…