• Challenge,  publishing

    Quick Note On Author Tag Lines…

    This Is 2023… As I have been saying in my series of posts about decisions young authors have to make, we are in a transition time between Traditional paperback distribution and Indie electronic distribution. And the two different ways of doing business. One of the major changes is the author tag line. You know, that line you put above your name on a cover that no one can read, but it needs to be there for cover design. For a decade, I have put above my name USA Today Bestselling Writer. Not one reader of my books knows what that really means, and that list is gone now. I am…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Losing An Art Form In Book Sales

    Just Was Brought to My Attention… That publishing is losing an art form. Television still has it, so do movies, so do gaming and other licensing areas. But books are losing this art form completely. Tag Lines.  That’s right, writing a tag line to catch a reader’s attention used to be an art form on book covers and helped sell millions of copies of books. But now, due to simple lack of knowledge, the art form is vanishing. So what is happening? Well, in traditional publishing, massive budget cuts have taken out most of the sales force, leaving a few for only the bestsellers. Where the sales force used to…