The Power of a Streak…
I Get Reminded of Streak Power At Times… Especially on a Friday night, after a stupidly difficult week. Why? Because I have a streak of blogging every night. And wow does this streak have power. No chance on the planet would I be at this computer tonight without this streak. But tonight is day 3,920 WITHOUT MISSING A DAY… That is flat nuts, But here I am. And sometime in March if my math is correct, if the streak does not get broken, I will pass 4,000 days without missing. Internet outage before hot spots, dozens and dozens of power outages, crashed computers, me in the hospital twice. Never missed.…
The Annoyance of Streaks
No One Talks About The Negative of Streaks… All we talk about is how they help us get stuff done, and how powerful they are to get us moving. And so much more. And all of it true. But sometimes, streaks are just annoying. For example, my very short streak of five miles of exercise every day is all the way up to three days now. And I can feel it gaining power with each day. But tonight, to get the last of those miles, I was walking alone in a hallway on the 7th floor of this building because one lap around that hallway is exactly 1/5th of a…
Words Add Up
Just Got to Let Them… First off, thank you everyone for the kind comments on the streak, both in the comments and privately. That means a lot to me that my blogs have helped in some form or another. A couple things about streaks. You don’t do them for other people or to match anyone else’s streak. You do them for yourself only. That is what gives them power. They drive you to do something that at some point in the past you thought was a good idea or that would help you. But remember with streaks. The idea is to let something build slowly over time. Right now I…
Got to Have Help
Especially with Streaks… It is flat impossible to not have help with long streaks, either writing, exercising, or blogging as I talked about last night. For example, I help Kris with her streak of steps by asking at times, especially on days when she is tired or distracted, if she has her steps. Not nagging, just being a support. Tonight, because she knows I am still off-the-charts exhausted, she reminded me three different times about doing this blog. Not nagging, just helping out. And it means a great deal to me. I know a couple writers who had weekly story streaks going that had family asking if the story was…
Once Again the Power of a Streak
Without This Blog Streak I Never Would Have Turned on This Computer… But with this many years of never missing a day, even with doing a lot of other fun stuff today, I turned on the computer to type something here. Did it matter what I type? Nope. To hit the blog streak, the daily blog streak, it just had to be something. You know, I am alive, the streak is alive, and so on and so on. Imagine if you were doing this kind of streak with your writing, that no matter how late, how much your mind was elsewhere, you wrote 250 words a day on a streak.…
Blog Number 2,166
Every Day for Almost Six Years… I haven’t missed a day yet. Now ain’t that silly? On August 1st it will be six years if I don’t miss between now and then. That will be 2,190 days of never missing a blog. Some blogs had value, some were worthless like this one. Imagine if I had that same streak going writing a short story per day? Now that would be interesting. And some stories would have some value and others not-so-much. It’s been an interesting six years, that’s for sure. I am making note of this because today I started really tracking weight, walking distance, and running distance, as well…