• On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Special Offer on Workshops Has Two More Days

    Here is a list of the Regular Workshops… In no particular order except that the Depth should be first.  Below that are the Classic Workshops available at the moment, then the special offer. Yes, you can get more than one workshop package. A number of people have gotten three, two people got three to take all six Strengths workshops, which are also available in this offer. Just TWO DAYS left. A List of All Regular Monthly Workshops (no real order) Depth in Writing (Start with this one. It is offered every month.) Advanced Depth Writing into the Dark Teams in Fiction Novel Structure Endings Author Voice Dialogue (Advanced Character and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Got Story Five Done by 6 A.M.

    It Seems Being Exhausted Helps… I got to the story this morning at 3:30 a.m.  Far, far, too late. But… My Day Went Like This… Just trust me, there was no stopping except for one nap, cook dinner, and watch one hour of The Voice. The rest of the day was going from 2 p.m. until now, 6:30 a.m.  And yes, I got my 10,000 steps. I sat down at 3:30 and looked at my half-title sheet and decided the first thing I looked at I would go with, so that was “Under Glass.” And I would do a Cold Poker Gang mystery, since I have those characters in my…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Story Four a Slight Miracle

    Well, Not a Miracle, but Some Luck… Why am I calling this luck? Because exhausted from making 10,000 steps and working all day on workshop stuff, I didn’t get to my writing computer until 3:15 a.m. Oh, oh… My Day Went Like This… Managed to do some stuff around here and get out by 2:30 p.m. (Wheeling a garbage can and a recycling can down a steep driveway in 40 mph winds is a joy, let me tell you.) It was Monday, so my CFO duties kicked in and I went to all three of our stores, talked with all three managers, got the deposits, and did all that, including…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshop Offer Still Available

    At least for four more days… I wanted to repeat this here to make sure everyone has a chance at this if you want workshops coming up. For exactly one week, until November 16th, you can get two regular workshops and two classic workshops for the price of $500. That is exactly the same as it was offered in the Pulphouse Kickstarter. A fun thing this year… If you would like, you can have us print up a nice-looking gift certificate and put it into a nice envelope, with someone’s name on the certificate, and send it to you to give as a gift for another writer for the holiday.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Only a Couple of Flickers

    At Least So Far… Winds are howling, but not bad for a coast storm. We are getting hit with about 70 mph gusts here. We are used to this. A much, much smaller storm hit the first day of the Master Business Class as people were trying to get here. People who never been in a coast storm found that one to be a worry. That had gusts around 40 and less rain than this one. We have about five or six at this level a year. When they start warning of gusts over a hundred is when we pay attention. (grin) And just to give a summary before I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Day Two: Still Flying

    A Second Really Fun Day… I worked in the stores (treasure hunting in my own store), did a bunch of work on workshops moving to Teachable, and got my 10,000 steps done, plus a short story. Can’t beat that. Details below. First, I wanted to remind you about the special workshop offer we have going on for the next four days. It ends on the 16th. Here are the basic details of the offer…. For exactly one week, until November 16th, you can get two regular workshops and two classic workshops for the price of $500. That is exactly the same as it was offered in the Kickstarter. A fun…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Starting Challenge Tomorrow

    I Am Excited… It has been a while since I have been this excited about a challenge. And focused on it, which I will need to be over an entire year. Writing/publishing my age. 67 books. This just may be one of the crazier things I have ever tried. I figured out that to do this I will need to write just about 1.2 million words of new and original fiction. Over Pulp Speed Two, basically, for the entire year. For those of you with math issues, that is over 3,250 words per day without missing a day, 365 days a year. Well, I will miss, but luckily I will…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Holiday Offer for Workshops

    Trying Something Fun This Year… Last year, after the Fiction River Kickstarter, we offered a discounted workshops offer for a week for those who missed the Kickstarter offer. This year we are doing that as a form of gift certificate. For exactly one week, until November 16th, you can get two regular workshops and two classic workshops for the price of $500. That is exactly the same as it was offered in the Kickstarter. A fun thing this year… If you would like, you can have us print up a nice-looking gift certificate and put it into a nice envelope, with someone’s name on the certificate, and send it to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Think Like a Publisher is a Workshop

    New Online Workshop Starting in December… That’s right, a new one starting now with Novel Structure and a new business workshop called Think Like a Publisher starting in December. Some of you here remember the blog posts turned into a book called “Think Like a Publisher 2012.” I kept working to update it but could never contain the information into a book that seemed to work. So Kris and I started planning that once this new indie world settled a little, we would do the Think Like a Publisher as a workshop to get in all the information. After the last major business class here on the coast, we’re ready…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    An Offer To Readers for My Coming Challenge

    Want A Bunch of Reading Over the Next Year?… As many of you know, starting on the 10th of this month, meaning Friday, I will be doing a challenge to publish 67 books in one year, my 67th year. 67 in 67. That’s right, in my 67th year on this planet I want to publish 67 major titles with my name on the cover. Publish. No stand-alone short fiction, only major books with my name on the cover. Here is the plan: — 20 new novels (four are in the publishing process now, the rest must be written in time to make it through the publishing process this year.) —…