• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenge Travels Back In Time

    Yup, Wrote a Thunder Mountain Story… Hope those of you in the States had a good holiday. Kris and I had a perfect one for us this year, since we got really overwhelmed with people last month. We just made it a regular day. I cooked a turkey for our regular dinner time, and it was quiet. Wonderful. I spent hours up at WMG working on workshops and moving parts of the store around, then cooked dinner, then back up to WMG offices for two more hours of the same stuff. Then home to watch a little television, then I got in here after some email to write. Sadly, by…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Not Counting This One

    Ended Up A Novel Start Actually, it will be a middle chapter of a Seeder’s Novel. I saw this half title when I sat down to write tonight and thought, “That would be a cool Seeder’s Universe story.” And I remembered I had a story in Stories from April called “Deal at the End of Time” which worked as a short story, sort of, and I thought those two characters would be fun to do. So I got those two characters, and off I went writing. Took a break after an hour, kept writing, and about 2,500 words in I realized it wasn’t going anywhere fast. And that I had…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Night Off Challenge

    Nothing Wrong… Just a planned night away from the writing. I’ve been getting up too early lately and just need to call it a night and get a full eight hours. I actually had this planned from the start tonight. Turned out my timing was spot on. (grin) So I will be back tomorrow night on the short stories. And the report of the day. And yes, here in the States Thursday is a holiday, but I will be writing and working at WMG right on through it. Which is actually what I enjoy doing. Also I will be contacting all the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter workshop folks directly over…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenge Goes to Bryant Street Again

    This One Would Not Exist Without the Challenge… Yup, sort of a busy day today, as most Mondays are. I had to get up pretty early for me to be down to our library to meet a guy there who had a collection of 1930s baseball stuff that had come into the library on donation. Program books, magazines, all kinds of misc from 1930s to 1950. In exchange for the collection, I made a very, very good donation to the Friends of the Library. Fair trade. And wow, what a find out of someone’s attic. So after doing workshop stuff, I watched some television with Kris, than sat and watched…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Publisher By Any Other Name

    Indie Writers… What a Strange Term… Just for a short time I want to explain why I have been shaking my head for almost ten years now when I hear the term “Indie Writer.” I hate to say it, but I was an indie writer when I sold over a hundred novels to traditional publishing. That’s right. I was an independent writer, with my own business, often selling to three or four or five traditional publishers at the same time. Not counting magazines and anthologies and other stuff. I had my own business as a writer. I was an indie writer. We were just not called indie writers back then.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Another Bryant Street Story

    Three of the Last Four… And all of them have come in around the same length. I have no idea why that happened. Never usually does. My stories tend to vary all over the map in length. But nine stories done so far and I’m enjoying the process and so far Kris has liked them all, which has shocked me, to be honest. And a couple of them can be novel starts. Today was a pretty standard day. Went to the writer’s lunch at 2 p.m., worked out at the stores for a short time, then back at WMG offices until I headed home to work at home on household…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Another Saturday, Another Story

    Actually Another Two Stories, But Only One Counts… I had a normal day of 8,000 steps plus a ton of physical labor work. Lots of moving boxes and bending and such, so I wasn’t upset at not getting the 10,000 steps. Tonight, around 11:30 p.m. I made it to my writing computer. I grabbed one half title “… the Other Side.” Then I spotted a second half title “The Man Who…” and for some reason I stuck the word “tasted” between the two half titles to get “The Man Who Tasted the Other Side.” That had to be Bryant Street and off I went typing. I got six hundred words…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Day Just Went Away… I Think…

    Ever Have One of Those Days?… I am not at all clear on exactly what happened today. I just sort of blinked twice and I was sitting watching television with Kris at 1 a.m. So as Best I Can Remember, My Day Went Like This… Started off up at the WMG offices at around 2 p.m. to unload my car from yesterday. Worked on some stuff there and made it to the bank by 4 and then to the South stores. Left there and headed to get some lunch and go back to my office after 5 p.m. I ended up getting my exercise today (only got 8,000 steps, but…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Big Move, Then Picking and Writing

    I Had a Fun Day Today… I got eight hours sleep last night and tonight actually made it to the writing chair by 1 a.m. Wow, getting that starting time back where it belongs. My Day Went Like This… Started off up at the WMG offices at 1:30 p.m. Josh and Cameron were there and we set out to move an office from one side of the large building to another. Thankfully, Josh and Deena the day before had got a head start, and Cameron that morning had done a bunch as well. Thanks, guys!! So we got it 95% moved and then moved another office about twenty feet from…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day for Workshop Offer!

    Almost Done… The offer is below the list of workshops. I wanted to post them here again tonight in no particular order except that the Depth should be first.  Below that are the Classic Workshops available at the moment, then the special offer. I am amazed we have 19 Regular Workshops and 6 Strengths Workshops and 9 Classic Workshops, with more Classic coming on line over the next week or so. That built up far, far more than we had ever expected this to do. But Kris and I are very proud of these workshops and the help they give to writers who are driven to learn. LAST DAY!!!. A…