Four New Pop-Up Classes Available
Pop-Ups #80, 81, 82,& 83 All Live! And yes, they have been added to the Lifetime Pop-Up Subscription which is also in the Everything Subscription. These were the four stretch goal workshops for the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. I hoped to have them out in April as we promised, but got behind because of my eye. So they went out to all the supporters tonight. If you did not get the update in the mail, check the Update #13 in the campaign. The Pop-Ups that were stretch goals for the Fantasy Collides Kickstarter will be following in a number of days. I will announce those here as well. Here are…
10 New Pop-Up Classes Now Up
Science Fiction World Building Pop-Ups… Yes, these are the ten Pop-Up writing classes that tomorrow (Friday) will be going out to everyone who backed the RESCUE TWO Kickstarter Campaign. If you don’t get the letter with how to get into all of them by Monday and have checked your spam filter and the email that you used for Kickstarter, then contact Josh at WMG at subscriptions@wmgbooks.com But they are also for sale for anyone who missed them and will be added to the Lifetime Pop-Up Subscription as well. (Yes, you can buy a Lifetime Subscription to all 79 of them, with more coming shortly. They are on Teachable. Here is…