• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    18,000 Steps Plus

    As I expected, a lot of milage walking the Licensing Expo. Got there right after nine when it opened, spent three hours walking and talking with people, then lunch, then back for three more hours, then a nap in the WMG suite, then dinner, then back to the suite to talk with writers and artists until 10:30. Hope to do workshops assignments and then this blog. I will get into more detail when my mind returns in a few days, but planning the same day tomorrow exactly. Wow, am I learning a lot. Just wow. KICKSTARTER LESS THAN THREE DAYS LEFT!!! Go to Kristine Kathryn Rusch STARTER KIT and check…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    Tomorrow It Starts…

    Licensing Expo… Although about ten of us got to the WMG Suite tonight and sat around and talked, which was fun. Last post that Kris put up on my blog because Allyson and I couldn’t get to it from the suite was the room number. Suite in the East Tower, 21st floor. But you can’t get to it without a key letting you up the elevator and only four keys. So every thirty minutes, starting at 8 pm, someone will be at the bottom of the elevator to take you up. Vaccinated required. I will report tomorrow on the Expo. THREE DAYS LEFT ON THE KICKSTARTER!!! You don’t want to…