• Challenge,  On Writing

    Fiction Branding… Part 12

    The Value of Copyright… This will be very basic in this chapter. Very. And then in another post on branding, I will talk more about estates and so on which is very complex and writers need to think about it. To start off with, many of you automatically defaulted to the…  “My copyright has no value. It really doesn’t sell.” The problem is that statement is a belief that has no basis in any reality. Sort of like believing in a Yeti having babies with a an alien from space. It could happen, but more than likely your belief is just wrong. Copyright is a form of property under the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Misc,  On Writing,  publishing

    Value of IP…

    Most Writers Never Think of This… But again most writers don’t understand copyright, which is a form of Intellectual Property (IP). Now some writers understand that anything they write has value, although I must admit it takes early stage writers a period of time to get past their egos and their false assumptions that they know what is good or bad in their own work. Interestingly enough, value of IP doesn’t much care about quality, at least in the early stages. Also 90% of all writers I have talked to have zero understanding that the work product they create around a book or story also has IP connected with it…