
Still Typing One-Handed…

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…

Here is a great picture of our Angel kitty. That’s worth at least a thousand words.


  • Cheryl Flinn

    Angel is always a welcome sight.
    Look at those mighty paws!
    Always reminds me happily of our Mr. Tiberius Poe.
    Hoping the last month of this year is all you and Kris wish for. Thanks for all the guidance & support.

  • Kat Faitour


    I fully support you letting cat pics hold the line on your blog streak. 🙂

    Also, I’ve hesitated commenting because I don’t want to add anything to your burden (even reading), but I am rooting for your fast return to health. My first job in healthcare was working for an orthopedic surgeon, and I know how difficult and painful shoulder injuries can be. Take care.
