Challenge,  Fun Stuff

Reporting Writing Challenge…

Started April 1st…

Over five months ago. Started off slow and still slow for me, but I have now been pretty consistent over 20,000 words per week as of late. Slow for me.

But firing up on a new personal writing challenge on September 15th that I hope to hold until December 15th. I would like to write a story per day during that time. 91 stories. If I hit that I got a hunch I will go on and make it an even hundred by the end of the year. (I did over that number for the first four months of 2022.)

That and working on other projects of consumable words should take me up around 35,000 words per week. If I can do that, I should be total around 950,000 words total. And if I am that close on December 15th, I should hit the million words I wanted to do starting April 1st.

So, as I talk about a lot and teach often, I am resetting.

Might fail. Might make part of it and fail to success.

And what am I going to do with all those stories besides entertain Kris every morning at breakfast? Going to restart Smith’s Monthly at some point this winter. My eyes are now what they are going to be, so time to jump back on the horse. And with a hundred stories, plus the ones I have left from 2022, I will have a great ramp up.

We shall see… And if you are in the challenge with me, you can ramp up as well in your own challenge. Or new goal. Just keep the writing fun.