Challenge,  workshops

Prepare Ahead Classes

Six Classes to Learn How To Write To Topic and Genre


These six PREPARE AHEAD classes will be given to everyone attending the 2024 Anthology Workshop here in Las Vegas from August 5th through 8th.

Each class will have the guidelines the editors want for the stories in their anthologies. And there is a webinar with the editor talking about the anthology and what they are looking for. And then also 10 videos about writing for that sub-genre and topic and how to do it.

So basically all those attending get a full class to help with the writing for the anthology workshop.

And we have opened these PREPARE AHEAD classes to anyone who wants to learn about how to write for a certain genre and topic and also write a story to deadline that the editors will consider.

All anthologies will be part of the FICTION RIVER series as it is brought back and rebranded over the next year.

There are six of the anthologies. And they start writing on June 2nd and everyone has one week to write each story.

  • 1… Ghosts and Taverns… Edited by Mark Leslie … Start Writing June 2nd
  • 2… Cozy… Christina F. York… Start Writing June 9th
  • 3… Military SF… Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Loren L. Coleman … Start Writing June  16th
  • 4… Fantasy Regency… Anthea Sharp … Start Writing June 23rd
  • 5…Mystery Science Fiction… Kristine Kathryn Rusch … Start Writing June 30th
  • 6… Halloween Hearts… Ron and Brigid Collins … Start writing July 7th

They cost $150 each if you are not attending in person the anthology workshop, and you can get all six to learn about all six areas for $600.

Check it out at

(No credits or lifetime subscriptions from Teachable I’m afraid. These are part of the in-person anthology workshop in August.)

And two spots open still in the in-person Anthology Workshop in August. Write me if interested.