Well, I’ll Call It A Day
After 3 AM Right Now… Planned originally tonight to write another article on one of the cool ideas some of you offered up. Plans… You know that word? A delusional look into a future that has no hope at all of ever becoming a reality. Day started with me up ahead of my normal time doing business and workshop stuff. So started off tired. Then off to my PT session. They are getting harder as I am near the end and the docs are pushing me on regaining strength. Oh, joy… Got home, changed clothes and off to have a great pizza dinner with Ron and Lisa and Bridget Collins…
Anthology Workshop
Only Two Days Left to Sign Up… Anthology Workshop is August 5th to 8th here in Las Vegas at Resorts World. Seven editors, you write five stories to deadlines for anthologies ahead of time, and I will be reading for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Writing for these will push you and challenge you, I promise. Plus business talk at night every night. Fee is $900 and we have a room block for $75 per night. More learning than you can imagine and great fun writing for professional anthologies. Fantastic fun! Write me directly if interested. Shutting off sign-ups in two days.
Fiction Branding… Part 11
Short Fiction and Discoverability… I said clearly in the last part of this series that short stories, standing alone, do not lead to major discoverability in the calculation of 20 to 50. Wow, I really wish they did. However I left the impression that short fiction does not help in general discoverability and that is so, so far wrong as to be funny. Short fiction is a major source of discoverability, just not in the 20 books to 50 thousand thinking. Let me start off with one major thing here that I will talk about later. NEVER PAY FOR PROMOTION OF ANY KIND. You could make that a hard and…
Questions or Topics?
A Lazy Saturday Night… Since I did not feel up to writing another chapter in the branding book as I had planned to do tonight, I thought I would open this up on this weekend night to questions you would like to have me answer or topics you would like to have me discuss or write a blog about. Email me or put them here as comments. If nothing because this is the time of great forgetting, I will just keep on entertaining myself with things that interest me in some fashion or another. Note: For anyone who missed getting a class or workshop they wanted, the code for the…
A Topic So Large I Have Considered Writing a Book About It… Expectations are both powerful and deadly to writers. But to early stage writers, mostly deadly. A positive expectation can come from experience. For example, back in traditional publishing days, when I was hired by a publisher to write a book, they had an expectation that I could do the job and I had an expectation I could do the job. I like testing myself with writing challenges. I always go into them with an expectation that I can hit the challenge and that gives me fuel to keep going on tough days. When I send a story to…
Fiction Branding… Part 10
20 to 50 Thinking… And how branding fits with that. 20 to 50 is shorthand for having 20 major books published will make you 50 thousand a year. And if you do a bunch of things right, it often works. But you have to do a bunch of things right. Why 20 Major Books? Ways of discoverability, basically. If you have one book, that book can be found through all the places you have it for sale and that’s it. So say you are wide and have it out in 150 different stores around the world, plus paper through Ingrams. (I am estimating that number of stores by counting up…
Looking Back…
Doing a Lot of That This Year… Because of the fact that I sold my first two short stories 50 years ago and 40 years ago I was the first to walk across the Writers of the Future stage. Those kind of “zero” year dates will make anyone look around. And, of course, looking back over time can get you that wonderful 20/20 hindsight of seeing mistakes. I got two really good examples of that at the moment. The first one is looking back 50 years at the largest mistake I made in my writing and publishing career. The one mistake of instead of continuing to do what I had…
Last Day of the Sale and These Type of Blogs
Still Doing My Blog Every Night, No Worries… But now I am going back to the writing and publishing stuff, I bored myself with all this workshop-buy-this stuff. So since we have no more new Shopify stores on the horizon, thus no more workshop sales, I can go back to writing the branding series I started and also blogs about corporations and different things I have been wanting to get to. I am going to entertain myself here for a few months. Stay turned, might get interesting. (grin) I will also try to start a feature here promoting fiction Kickstarters at times and what works and doesn’t work with them…
Fifty Years of Mistakes
And I Am Still Making Them… That, I have come to learn, is part of living. If you are active and working, you keep making mistakes. (Wish that was not the case at times.) Tonight I recorded about thirty minutes (5 videos) of the first week of Learning from 50 Years of Mistakes. Great fun taking a ride back to that first year of college when I was 24 years of age, and what I was doing and how I made a mistake that would cost me 8 years of writing and sales. A single mistake. Eight years. But in those eight years I was married, divorced, married again, got…
Workshop Sale Ends in 3 Days!!
WORKSHOP SALE ENDING SOON! On WMGTeachable… Every class, workshop, challenges, and Pop-Up is half off. Also all the lifetime subscriptions are half off. (Best deals by far.) And it ends Wednesday night late. Just three more days… And no more sales on the horizon. (We only do them when we start a new Shopify store.) Everything on WMG Teachable available. Just find what you want and hit purchase, then on the next page put in the code: FeySale And hit apply and you will have it for 50% off. Here is some suggestions to keep you learning into the spring and early summer, or all year is some cases. —…