• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Four: Day Three

    THREE DAYS LEFT (AND YES, COUNTING)… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Three more days after today to finish this last book. If I give it the hours, I will get it done, no issue. But again tonight got distracted. No more distractions until Tuesday night. (grin) The Day Went Like This… Got up at 2:30 p.m., did an hour of e-mail and got to WMG around 4:30 p.m. just like yesterday. Then headed out to the south store and ended up working…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Four: Day Two

    DISTRACTIONS, BUT STILL A GOOD DAY… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Want to Hear Me Talk About Being Prolific? I know some of you come by here to watch this crazy challenge. But if interested, a great guy and writer by the name of Ryan Pelton does a blog about being prolific. And he was crazy enough to get me on his program. And, well, you know me, I’m blunt. So if you are interested in a fun bit of time with…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Updates on All Sorts of Stuff

    Smith’s Monthly Issues Headed Out… Patreon supporters and Smith’s Monthly subscribers, you will be getting three issues of Smith’s Monthly, about one every other day, for the next week. Finally making a run at getting caught up. Paper subscribers won’t go out until the middle of August. Then in August everyone will get three or four more. Then in September three or four more issues. Then another one or two in October. Lots of reading headed your way. Thanks, everyone, for all the support. ————- I’m Slow Reading Challenge Stories… I will be reading some for the rest of the week, but will mostly get caught up in early August.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Four: Day One

    NOVEL FOUR STARTED… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Took the Day Away, Still Got Started! After a meeting at WMG, Kris and I went into the valley to take time away. Felt great. No screens. And came back around eleven and got going on the novel. Really got going. See below. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 1 p.m., did some e-mail and got to a WMG meeting at 2:30. At around 4 p.m. Kris and I headed into Salem.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Finished

    NOVEL THREE FINISHED… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Steps sucked once again today, but once again, with all the workshop stuff, no time and the steps are the one thing that is slipping some. But got the third novel done! Took longer than I had thought and came in, after some stupidity removal of loops, shorter than most Thunder Mountain novels. But I’ll take it. Six days now to do the next novel. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 2…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Day Eight

    Not Done Yet… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made about 7,000 steps. Just no time again today. Plus once again the wind was howling here today at over 25 mph. Not comfortable. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 1 p.m. even though I was up until 7 a.m. in the morning again. Two days in a row with too little sleep. I headed out at around 2 p.m. for Newport to go see a long-time friend visiting the coast.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Day Seven

    GETTING CLOSER… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made about 6,000 steps again today. Just no time again today. Plus the wind was howling here today at over 25 mph. Not comfortable. The Day Went Like This… Got up at 1 p.m. even though I was up until 7 a.m. in the morning again. I wrote the forward for a Fiction River volume after I did my blog last night. So tired today. First day of the challenge I didn’t get a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Day Six

    Close Calls Twice… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made 6,000 steps. Just no time again today. Seems like I am maintaining the exercise on some days, at least over 10,000 steps. Only had a few days under ten thousand all month, but not getting the totals I wanted. And the first close call was last night. As I was doing last night’s blog, my entire server crashed. Now I didn’t know that at the time, but when my site didn’t come…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Day Five

    Another Solid Day… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Only made 10,000 steps, but writing is back going fine. The Day Went Like This… Just like yesterday, I managed to get to WMG offices and the north store around 3:30 p.m. after a full hour of e-mail stuff. I stopped at the mail and we finally got in all of the Fiction River papers. So Josh and I unloaded my car and I headed out to do banking and get to the south…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Novel Three: Day Four

    Back Up To Speed… (As a reminder, the overall monthly challenge is to write four novels and gain distance every week on my step count, starting the first week at an average of 11,000 steps per day.) Finally got back up and running today. Both on work stuff and on the novel. The Day Went Like This… I managed to get to WMG offices and the north store around 3:30 p.m. after a full hour of e-mail stuff. Then the guys unloaded my car of the stuff I found yesterday picking and Matt and I headed out for a walk. I managed 11,200 steps today. The 13,000 steps isn’t a…